

Well, thinking on it, I think we’re missing the overall point of a slideshow to begin with, then - it forces, either, interaction/engagement, or a relatively dramatic change to what’s in front of the viewer (compared to scrolling through a single document/presentation, etc.)

I was filling out the final comment of the survey - heartfelt, sincere, and hopeful.

Then my todder throws milk on the floor, so I rush to clean in up, then I look up and she’s pressing keys and submits the thing incorrectly/refreshes or something, and erases everything I submitted and wrote, and now I’m angry. FML

They could hire 4X their current employees, make new games for all of these franchises, and still make profit. Revive/actively support all of these IPs, hire enough people to erase crunch, hire good management, be transparent about sustainable development, and listen to the communities - they would make so much

As someone of South Indian descent, I was genuinely caught off guard by this existing/showing up on GamePass. It’s a good time.

I’m all for an all-digital future... eventually.

That’s an Xbox-exclusive behavior, I’m pretty sure. Buying digital on Nintendo Switch, in a multi-Switch household is an absolutely pain in the rear. If anybody is playing on of “my” (the family’s) digital games on the main Switch in the livingroom, I can’t play any of my digital games on my Switch Lite (which is

Halo the TV series is bad. In a vacuum (from other media in the franchise), it’s bad storytelling, at every junction. Keep everything the same, but put better, more passionate people behind the project, it would have turned out amazing. I know I’m going to get hate for saying it, but put Favreau and Filoni behind it,

...because without the context of everything he went through in the games and books, it really makes no sense at all...

I think the new material not relying on the old media, not trying to relive that stuff, or remain “canon” with those things in mind is fine.

Props, set pieces, armor, and CGI all looked like they were designed/thought through (see: not thought through) by the local high school drama club (worse, in some cases). Too many things looked fake, fastened by string and tape, made of foam, plastic, and consisting of a single layer, lacking density and the correct

This whole thing is kind of rambly. You say “move on” four times, and “can’t simply go on” just in the last paragraph.

Story was disappointing and underwhelming. Personally, I thought the core gameplay, worlds/art, and challenges/side-quests were fantastic. Great game, terrible story. I think if it didn’t take itself so seriously, and it was just, like, “Oh, uh... there’s a bad guy who wants to take over the world again - you gotta

Torn. Is 2024 going to be the year I get a Switch 2, or an ROG Ally 2? Both are 1. tempting, and 2. not announced yet, but very likely to come to fruition.

I’m hesitant to buy Switch, Xbox, or Playstations games because none of them come close to the responsiveness I get at my PC. Also on PC I can turn off post processing, AA, Vsync, etc. and increase responsiveness even more.

That’s because Nintendo doesn’t rely on sales and FOMO to get people to buy millions of copies of their games, and, therefore, they do not believe that their work or their games inherently drop in value, or need to see price drops to be worth buying.

TIL Video games spoil if you leave them on the self too long, and that simply being slightly older means they must be cheaper (and games being cheaper/on sale is a natural way of things, and not simply a marketing ploy to get you to buy more than you would have otherwise).

I don’t need all of the extra post processing and AI gimmicks. I play games on PC because of the lower latency, thus better feel of playing the game. Until all of that stuff can be done without bluring detail into oblivion, without turning frames into nightmarefuel, and without affecting frametimes... Not interested.

I’d argue it’s less “brutal” and more so “wasteful” and “unsustainable”. Spending 7.5 Billion on Bethesda - and getting Starfield for it - and buying up ActivisionBlizzard (not the company(s) they used to be) for 69 Billion... then realizing they spent too much money, that these groups don’t actually make good games,

You’re going to have to step away from video games as a whole, then.