lorem ipsum

Thanks for posting that. I forgot about that video. So Awesome.

"I live my life nine-point-eight meters per second."

There's a lot of...neck in that picture.

I just realized I want a RUF targa panamera.

There was also no indication that they would be revealing a brand new near production ready GT a month ago... so, there's that.

Who could possibly replace something like this?

I can predict the future. Everyone will say it's amazing but half will complain that it doesn't have a manual. Then the rest will say that this is a time-attack car so it needs a DSG only. Everyone will be blamed to be cheap and never buying new, therefore causing the death of the manual. All those who bought a new

Why isn't this top comment? It fits pretty much perfectly no?

I've never asked for one, but I do have the pleasure of being a passenger from time to time.... especially in ones from Vineland, NJ near NJMP.

I'm not comparing the two cars in anything but the initial purchase price. If I said you could buy an iPad for the same price as a blender, I'm not insinuating that an iPad can dice carrots.

Who in their right mind would want a white Miata with a gold interior?

I can never be certain but I'm pretty sure many cars had some strong words with me i.e. horns blaring.

HOLY SHIT. I used to work for this dealer. I have driven this car A LOT and I took the photos in the ad! This is awesome. Miss this beast.


Oh dear me. This has so much want factor it is not even funny. V12, one of the prettier Ferraris of this age, and a gated manual. I do want, so very very badly.

I want to know why he named all of Cadillac's cars after the state of Connecticut? Like seriously.. anytime I see the CT I think of Connecticut.. -shrug- Maybe Buick is going to rename their cars FL in the near future for obvious reasons.