We really need to get past this idea that people who disagree with you are evil. Sure, if someone says something like “we should euthanize all autistic people” (you know, like Margaret Sanger would have) then we can probably agree evil. When someone disagrees with you on a solution to something like how health…
OITNB without women is a boring video of an empty prison. Oh wait... so is OZ without men. WTF!
A vaguely remember back when a lot of cars had the filler in the back gas stations had arrows telling you which way to pull in. I even seem to recall occasional enforcement of the arrows.
Your new fangled controllers are too sturdy. Back in the day playing the game properly broke the controller.
Did anyone ever actually say that? Prices would go up, sure. Which is pretty obvious either prices go up, profits go down or people loose their jobs. But when did anyone every say $20 big macs outside of obvious exaggeration?
“The election of Donald Trump, despite scandal after scandal...”
I thought we were all pretty much used to that. At least for a significant portion of the last 24 years.
Isn’t it just squirted on streaks of sun screen before you get busy rubbing it in?
I assume because if you’re picky enough to need a specific clickity-clackity type keyboard you probably also want it in the layout you like (e.g. dvorak).
I assume because if you’re picky enough to need a specific clickity-clackity type keyboard you probably also want it…
I don’t think you understand what KKK and Nazis are.
fair point on the math :)
As opposed to calling 50% (ok, maybe 40%) of the population “deplorable”?
Oops... wrong reply link
That’s what she s.... nevermind
That’s what she s.... nevermind
455 murders in just Chicago 2016 (so far, probably higher as I type this) and people are butthurt about a gorilla shot to save the life of a kid regardless of the original accidental reason the kid was in jeopardy. I guess the same people would have been upset if that aligator in FL had been shot before it killed the…
Lliterally nothing is “fully safe”
“Nothing puts polo-clad whit dudes in...”