
Be thankful they were just t-shirts and not wife beaters.

This shit is bananas.

not exactly funny.

I refuse to watch that stuff, especially kids getting hurt.

SMDH. I knew the tipping point would be him abusing an animal. Beat your gold-digger SO and your useless mistake babies, but ffs, don’t touch the chihuahua, protest peacefully, or make drunken threats in an airport, those terrible offenses have consequences. :/

“What an amateur”

“When you hear about hazing. That sounds like a choice.” -Kanye South

You think taking time off work to spend with a sick or injured kid is free? Where do you think this is? Sweden?

“Your honor, I ask that this case against my client be dismissed. Everyone knows relief pitchers in the AL don’t hit.”

I agree - each parent should also get $6 million

Why include how much they sued for? They could have also said $1 billion. It means nothing. I want one media outlet to understand this. Why can’t it be Deadspin?

Who does this guy think he is, the Attorney General of the State of New York?

What I mean is that he makes ridiculous statements and crazy promises that he knows he can’t deliver. Maybe he’s not lacking in self-awareness but he is a little delusional sometimes.

Nice to see someone russian to address the real issues.

THREW THE DOG?! Well, that’s just too fucking far. As a NFL Fan and a great American PATRIOT, I am more than willing to look the other way if a player on the team I STAND for commits a horrendous act against women and children, but I’ll be gosh-damned if I root for a man that takes a knee during God’s anthem or throws

Throwing Dogs? Trash person named after a trash sandwich and a crap dessert.

Ah. So Elon isn’t in love with a type of music from London.

Oh, sure, it’s all fun and intellectual puns until he has to meet her father, Rick.

I mean, they’re both “quirky” individuals with very little self-awareness or grasp on reality, so yeah it’s a perfect match.

Love her music, her last album is perfect pop. Thought she was just an endearingly aloof goofbag (saw her live and she did 2 songs not realizing her keyboard wasn’t plugged in). Musk is just a capitalistic vampire creep wad (read his ex-wife’s account of their marriage. ‘You’re right, if you were an employee I would