
For all the justified criticism the Clinton campaign receives for its 2016 performance, keep in mind that no one was more arrogant than the 2012 Romney campaign. You can at least understand *why* the Clinton campaign basically assumed it would win—the polls really did have Hillary ahead in enough states to win the

You are on fire lately.

Like the way a convict looks at the only female guard in the prison. It is all relative.

Grading on a curve?

To anyone out there who is experiencing homicidal or suicidal thoughts, or going through other acute or chronic mental health distress, there is help. If you fear your friend, family member or partner may be experiencing similar thoughts, there is help.

Aha! Yes, Whoomp, it has arrived!

How many jerseys do you think he keeps in his carpet bag?

Because the Cardinals already cornered the market on THE RIGHT WAY?

To the tune of My Sharrona: Pa-pa-pa Pro-paganda

It’s perfectly normal to dislike Russell Westbrook the basketball player, because yeah, I kinda do, but off the court, he seems like the nicest dude ever and anyone who calls him a POS is probably projecting super hard.

Yeah, I mean Romney is a scumbag who bought companies up solely to lay everyone off and made millions off of the practice, but fuck that guy who doesn’t play basketball how I like it to be played!

So you’re saying Craig is the postman’s, or that Ann experienced an immaculate conception?

“You see fellow fans, I too am monitoring Russell Westbrook’s infraction total and am jubilant he has reached a suitable number to force his return to the non-playing zone. It is four. Four infractions. Oh what fun. I prefer our troupe to theirs, do you not, chums?”

+1 child immaculately conceived by the holy spirit of Joseph Smith Jr.

The question is, why is Mitt Romney giving the four fingered salute, which as everybody knows, is a gesture of solidarity for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood? Something Utah voters will have to pray over, to be sure.

In a moment of jubilation, Mitt Romney holds up a “4,” signifying the number of times he’s had sexual intercourse.

If you think Romney is cooler than Westbrook, I have to assume that was a typo and you meant to write POC.

Mitt Romney was thrilled to be at a game featuring his long time favourite team...*checks jersey* the Jazz at a game in his beloved home state of *checks drivers license* Utah.

I couldn’t stand Mitt Romney in 2012. Now he seems like a kind and wise man who just has political views that differ from mine.

I couldn’t stand Mitt Romney in 2012. Now he seems like a kind and wise man who just has political views that differ from mine.