
This comment makes me want to eat shoots and leave(s)

You know who has even more money? Professional athletes who don’t have to hire defense lawyers.

SoCal says “you’re welcome.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta sweep some more ashes off my patio.

hey, it’s been super nice for like weeks!

To be fair, Jeff Bezos is the only person with enough money for all the rainy days in Seattle.

“Put me in fucking jail, please, so I can bond out.”

“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who are are trying to plant some shit on me, and bitch I got lawyer money.”

TMZ got the bodycam video from his arrest

But does he have “an adequate amount of money saved up for a rainy day when the Seahawks cut his dumb ass” money?

Everyone’s got lawyer money, it’s called a public defender and it’s a right guaranteed to everyone in the constitution, bitch.

“The problem is that the protesters accepted the premise that the anthem was a tribute to the military”.

Where is that Cleveland Browns letter when you need it?

Fittingly, Le Dragna is French-Creole for “the dipshit.”

It’s amazing how little money it actually cost to destroy this country and cede power to just a few assholes.

I suggest you read “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer and then let us back in the reality-based community here whether or not it’s a thing.

Agree wholeheartedly. We’re losing the war on what information people consume to people who will willingly lie to you about what reality is. Steyer et al would be far better served buying multiple media outlets.

I don’t think he said “stranglehold”, but it’s hard to overlook how far-reaching and important FoxNews (and now, to a much lesser extent, Breitbart, along with the rising importance of Sinclair) has had on a significant part of the population. Fox watchers tend to just watch Fox, and with the amount of disinformation

Can someone explain why “our” rich people are not doing this? Except for Bezos (who is hardly a leftist, but he’s not a right-wing lunatic at least) buying the Washington Post (where, along with the target-rich environment of the Trumpster administration, it has had a surge in importance and quality), why is it the

There are exactly two newspapers in Australia not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Little wonder, then, that the conservative coalition has been in power 17 of the last 21 years.

Well I don’t have to remind you what happened in the 1930s that led to Hitler’s rise. You control the flow of information you control how the masses think. This is only the beginning. What happens tomorrow is the culmination of decades of work from the conservative think tanks that started in the 1960s. Most people