
The Chicago Style Guide shows a clear preference for “logging out”.*

Do the Buffalo Bills have a mascot? Where does this kid send his resume?

Sunderland lost the match in question to Reading by a score of 3-1.

Welcome to Britain!

A 17 year old who downs 18 drinks and remains conscious is either lying, or needs to stop drinking.

This is where Steve King hails from, FYI.

Funny but my Iroquois ancestors wish you two clowns would also return to where you came from

Iowa irony: my husband’s grandfather came over to Iowa from Bohemia when he was a kid, and eventually learned English well enough to hide his accent. The whole family became very “speak English!” (especially where that “dirty Spanish” was concerned). Toward the end of his life, Gramps developed Alzheimer’s and

Let’s start with the guy deep enough in his feelings to whine about a tweet from a high school girl.

Adios, muchachos.

No shit - this is exactly why my wife and I moved from Iowa City to Washington this year. Even in the most liberal city in Iowa, the subtle white supremacy has been building for a while. After Trump was elected it seemingly became more acceptable to share your disgusting deportation wet dreams.

All of these Brunch Belt media axis pieces about how “we need to try to understand these people!” conveniently ignore the fact that the nation’s big cities contain large populations of young college graduates hailing from the sorts of places that went 80% for Trump and understand Trump voters very well.

They both want to run for congress and this is their first step in burnishing their credentials with idiot republican voters.

I guarantee that these are the kinds of dudes who lament the fact that all the literate young people leave Northwest Iowa for Des Moines or Omaha at the very least, if not the Twin Cities or Chicago.

38% of Americans approve of this comment.

I actually disagree. I took this as a tacit acknowledgement that in describing some of Trump’s supporters as deplorable, HRC was correct.

Stereotypes are harmful, but we have to admit that there’s usually a grain of truth in them that just grows over time until it just becomes accepted wisdom. They just get used as shorthand to communicate otherwise complex thoughts to other people.

These two employees are so silly, if they wanted to say these things and keep their jobs they should have done so while President.

On Tuesday, November 28th, two employees of KIOW made comments that were insensitive, thoughtless and degrading to others. These comments were deplorable, and the staff and management of KIOW in no way condones or supports these comments.

Well, their economic anxiety just got worse.