
I’d star you but you’re at 69. Nice.

How dare you, sir?

+1 hot take.

If monkeys evolved from Donald Trump then why are there still Donald Trumps?

If there is such thing as a fourth-degree burn, that comment is it. Well done.


not a strong candidate for intelligent design either

You’re on fire tonight

Making fun of burn victims is such no-brow humor.

Serves him right for wearing an Acetony Romo jersey

Damn son, why you gotta add to his pain with another burn?

And ... you just gave the poor guy another burn.

And allowing everyone to vote.

a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns

That people like this exist is the strongest argument I’ve encountered against evolution

Holy shit, Florida Man and Cowboys Fan are one and the same.

Sounds like more of a tribute to the Washington NFL team. 

When will christians learn how to behave in public? The nazi marchers say they are christian. Trump is christian and is beloved by all the christian and evangelical leaders like falwell, graham, and others... they really are a mess and they are ruining the country.
