
The media has a ratings and money bias and nothing else.

The Geico ads have taken quite the turn...

And all that blood on the carpet. SAD!


Only right wing dipshits that think anyone reporting objective facts without centering it to a racist asshole right-wing objective lack of reality thinks the media has a liberal bias. Individuals probably vote more D than R (because, you know, they are educated and not cross-burning cousin-fucking hillbillies).

Damnit I thought it was “everything was wonderful” but close enough?

“Sure, 59 people are dead, but do you have any idea how much it is going to cost Mandalay Bay to replace those windows that guy broke?”

Actually, had Obama done this, there would be multiple congressional investigations into what happened and how he ended up looking completely out of place and out of touch free throw-shooting paper towels at hurricane victims.

This is the worst day of the Pope’s life.

You are so right. I remember after Hurricane Sandy when President Obama went up to the Jersey Shore and started tossing cannolis at Chris Christie’s gaping maw and then the 2 went over to the Wildwood boardwalk and bought matching “I’m with Stupid” tees and then they.......oh wait,...... that never happened because

And if your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle.

I may be living in a liberal bubble, but it truly befuddles me that anyone, at this point, thinks he is doing a good/fine/satisfactory/amazing job. Fuck partisanship. Fuck Paul Ryan, fuck the Trump Base, and double fuck Mitch McConnell and his anthropomorphic turtle characteristics for stealing a god damn SCOTUS seat.

As it stands we can only say “if” Obama would have done this (and there’s very little actual evidence to suggest he would).

Trump also singled out Gov. Ricardo Rossello for “giving us the highest praise.”

Obama wouldn’t do such a cheap stunt. Please

Say what you will about how despicable he is as a human being and how his party is destroying the country, but god damn, the pictures taken of him have been comedic gold.

сорок пять’s heroism and empathy is a matter of public record