
Here’s the thing though, if it was bad for you, it was just as bad for girl nerds. I’ll wager there were just as many nerdgirls back then as now, but we were not socialized or encouraged to have any interests outside of getting married and having kids. In certain environments, if you were a girl who expressed

Yes! And that attitude is one of the primary reasons so many of us kept our mouths shut as we were growing up. The shtty behavior of guys, to girls who were interested in nerd stuff, made sure many of us wouldn’t speak up to show our interest.

Yes. And to reiterate your point, this feels like a very recent trend.

Science Fiction has leaned left/progressive since the ‘60s, but these are the guys who launched the “Sad Puppies” because they’re sick of “SJW” authors winning awards.

Example: Yesterday, DC Comics won an award for it’s representation of LGBTQ

I will never forget when my dad bought the original Nintendo “for the kids” but then he’d be up all night playing Zelda.

They can hide behind a keyboard and talk mad shit. But I bet if you catch them at a Con and roll up on them, they’ll flee like shit.

Ohhh, so you are giving us an illustration that the problem with guys like you is that you don’t think of women as fellow human beings. Thank you for this performance art.

...What I find funny is that these idiots have no idea how crazy awesome we nerd chicks are. Know what I gave my husband for his birthday? I saved up 1,200 and took him to a retro gaming convention and just set him loose. We play games together. We go to awesome movies together. We just hang out and crack jokes.

Entitlement that’s soured into hatred. They didn’t “get” girls in school or whatever (as though women are prizes or cookies to be handed out) and basically never got over the idea that they “deserve” not only female companionship but a blend of virgin, geisha and underwear model who really wants a threesome anytime

If they’re welcoming incels, then, yeah, a lot of them are pissed because they aren’t getting laid.

“you don’t need a spider bite, just years of determination” billions of dollars and no adult supervision.

I got into an argument with some guy online about being a “real fan.” I told him how ridiculous that concept is, but he insisted that people who enjoy Marvel movies and don’t take the time to read all the comics and familiarize themselves with all the minutiae of the characters’ backstories are nothing but posers who

That is exactly why I love Batman! And also the basis of the argument I had with my kindergarten teacher when after my “what I want to be when I grow up” assignment was trying to tell me that “Batman” wasn’t a real job. It isn’t now, but it *could* be if you had enough money and obsessive commitment to vengeance.

Oh my god, that’s such a pet peeve of mine. I cannot stand it when people try to quiz you to prove you’re a “real” fan. And it’s infuriating when it’s used as a way to exclude women. I am a guy who loves Spider Man, but no dude’s going to quiz me on the Clone Saga to make me prove it. (Which is good, because I would

AMEN. It’s also the reason these neckbeards like to “quiz” women on nerdy shit in hopes of tripping them up on some obscure fact about Jerry or whatever. They get to feel superior and comfort themselves with the idea that the girl wasn’t a REAL fan anyway.

I mean, COD fans are furious because there are apparently not enough swastikas in the online game modes for the upcoming WW2 COD. Oh, and too many blacks, as well.

Here’s my reply:

Imagine their shock when they find out that the supposed ‘SJW’ in question is named Dan Harmon!

This one of my big problems with these guys (and a lot of modern conservatives to boot): Their beef is with people complaining, so what do they do? Complain. Loudly and aggressively and with little in the way of honest grievance.

They believe “SJWs” forced Harmon to hire women, and thus anything they dislike about this season is the fault of those women.

I don’t...get this at all. Like, these guys are upset simply because there are women writing for the show? That’s it?

Jeez, white guys are fragile little snowflakes, huh?