
Well, the movie is pretty much a fictionalized yet biographically accurate account of how Glenn Danzig built the Misfits into greatness then burned them to the ground in artistic rage and then tore out their heart to form Samhain which he then burned to the ground and then tore out its burned blackened heart and

I don’t know what Mother! is about, but I have always thought Jennifer Lawrence kinda looked like Lightning McQueen.

I think what synopsis likely got wrong is the Mother = Mary. I think it’s more likely to be thought of as Mother Earth. It DOES work a bit either way, and it’s no less trite in either configuration.

“shit, i don’t know. modesty? birthing my children? cooking me dinner?”

I will probably never see this movie, but I did read this detailed explanation of the plot and holy shit.

If I like the Danzig song, will I like this movie as well?

its about 146 minutes, give or take...

Eh. Allies aren’t friends.

Thiel spoke at Trump’s fucking RNC convention. It is way past the point where you can claim that he’s a sensible, centrist guy who just happens to have an “R” after his name. He was one of the guys who worked hardest to get Trump elected, a true believer right up until five seconds after the inauguration when it

And Gawker was willing to pay something. But Hogan a) refused to settle, which is his right of course but is still a little fishy, and b) dropped the charge that would have allowed Gawker’s insurance to cover the damages, which is a red flag that this was not a legit attempt to seek redress of grievances. He didn’t

“I’d probably want to run this by somebody in the LGBT community”

Just one lock of hair! Is that so much to ask!

She’s been very clear she never mentioned Louis CK. She also never said she was not talking about Louis CK and strongly implied of course it’s him. However, the ‘him’ in question is not a dude who forces women to watch him masturbate, just a dude who was being a general creep about hitting on her. There’s two very

It meant they had basically no allies and plenty of enemies willing to support endeavors against them.

That BBC Korea guy with the interrupting baby - she came out full on Twitter blasting him as being the living embodiment of the patriarchy and how he needed to lose his job, esepcially for the way he treated his nanny.
Someone points out that the “nanny” was his wife and it’s kind of off to assume that an Asian person

But everything they posted w/r/t both Thiel and Hogan was true. They literally got shut down by posting true things about the wrong people.

Her wording is a little cumbersome but it sounds to me like she’s trying to say “he didn’t do anything but me, I can’t speak for other people” with he added caveat that she’d take the word of other women coming out against Louis or anyone else really.

“Part of the reason Gawker was sued into dust was this tabloid, rumor mill nonsense.”

“Hi Kent. This is god. Have you been touching yourself?”

Is this a massive walkback by Kirkman?

My impression from reading about this before is that she had way less nuance.

In disclosure, she has blocked me on Twitter over a misunderstanding. But I still think she’s funny.