
Might I add that if you happen to live in an area with any connection to an Amish population, stroopwafles make excellent covers for coffee/tea mugs, warming up as the tea steeps. Oh and they are fucking delicious, especially if you’re doing a fall/cinnamon tea/hot toddy sort of thing.

exactly. I wouldn’t be letting the rape of my child go on for 1 more *millisecond* than it had to. Rip out his eyes with my bare hands.

The extent to which I enjoy herbal tea is directly proportional to (a) the temperature outside, (b) the time of day, and (c) my overall health.

You know when a mug of herbal tea is especially good? On a nice, beautiful, crisp fall day.

I strongly endorse this article.

So let me get this straight- this motherfucker publishes an extended paean to herbal tea, but he hates fall. I may have to cancel my Deadspin subscription. Or at the very least stop home delivery and just read online.

You don’t have to set a timer. In fact, don’t check the clock at all. You have a general idea of what five minutes is like.

There’s an old photographer’s adage about how the best camera is the one you have with you, and as someone who’s needed to avail myself of my pocket knife on many occasions, I can fairly say that the adage transfers quite neatly to cutlery.

When someone’s raping your twelve year old, there’s no better tool than immediacy.

“In a fit of rage, [she] grabbed her pocket knife and attacked him,” the police report indicates.

My friend who was an ADA for 10 years, and unfortunately was assigned more than her share of child sex abuse cases, said in half the cases the parents displayed the appropriate righteous anger (including one mom who, upon finding her boyfriend raping her daughter, called 911 and told them to send the police because

That is such a ridiculously specific scenario, I couldn’t help but laugh.

She better not be charged. He got exactly what he deserved. Sadly, some mothers would not react like this and would keep the boyfriend. This woman should get a statue.

Rise and shiv.

Rise and shine rage?

Did you lose a bet or something Breanna? How come you always get the “worst of humanity” beat?

She should have sprinkled some crack on him so it was an open and shut case. Im sorry gallows humor is all I have. That human is a POS.

Breanna, can I wipe the crust out my eyes before you start?

Only 6 times? Here, let me help you.

Look, some people just need stabbin’.