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Shower shoes and gardening shoes. Those are pretty much the only occasions where Crocs are acceptable. And around pools, I guess.

To give one small example, when a group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to you, your appreciation has to fight its way through your low appraisal of their voices.

I can't quite remember where I read it, but I'm sure there was research done regarding academia and family which found that female academic's careers *suffered* from having a family (partner and potentially children) whilst a male academic's career *actively benefited* from having a partner (and possibly children).


Great book but Affleck??? He will ruin it, just like he'll ruin Superman.

I've only recently clocked this phenomenon, and it was when I looked around the boardroom and realized that though we were all around the same age, I was the only woman. And then I realized all the guys had rings on their fingers and the background of their laptops were two kids and a wife on holiday. I'm in an

– they say [whispers], 'My wife does everything.'

Wait, it's almost 2014 and hereditary titles are STILL a thing? Pathetic.

Wait, it's almost 2014 and this ISN'T a thing already? Whoa.

Face it, Canada, we love him, and we love you! There, I said it. We love you Canada, even though we usually forget you are there, and when we remember you we make jokes about over-apologizing and crack and the things you do with french fries. Keep Rob Ford and cherish him Canada. America loves you all the more for it.

I am nervous for some kind of bizarre pop culture holy war. Does no one see the irony of fighting religious persecution via your fav reality TV shows and fast food outlets? Shit is getting creepy y'all.

Twist: It was Nijinsky himself. Gloria isn't great with figurative language.

There are two elements at play in this woman being under-sentenced (or, depending on how you look at it, criminals convicted of other crimes being comparatively over-sentenced). The first? White collar crime punishments are punished with far less urgency and vitriol. Race may or may not be a primary element of

Oh gad, fine!

He calls this anecdote "The Day My Hair Turned White."

Real life isn't like CSI or SVU. Crime labs in many urban areas are incredibly understaffed/underfunded and/or highly inefficient.

You seem to think cops are actually interested in prosecuting rapes. Hah. What they want is for women to STFU. There's a fair number of rapists and wife beaters on every police force. They aren't exactly fans of womens' rights.

We need to get on this! Sure, we could legalize and tax drugs———the way we do cigs and booze——and not only free our police forces to make a real difference but to end the "war on drugs" and all that cones with it. All that profit and taxation could support all kinds of helpful things, but what we really need is jails

I don't get why there would ever be a backlog at all. It seems to me that the minute a rape kit exists, it should go straight to the lab and be tested. The wait should be a few days, max. This is disgusting.

My assumption, based on previous readings, is that they will claim "no budget". That rape kits cost $X to process and they simply don't have $X times 15,000. Which is deplorable. Like someone else mentioned, they have plenty of money to hunt and prosecute people with a little weed that is harming NO ONE but rape?

Rape? You mean the violent crime of rape? Why would law enforcement focus finite resources on trying to solve a violent crime like rape (whether it was committed by someone known to the victim or a stranger it still involves violence), when there's a "War on Drugs" to fight? I mean there are people growing marijuana