I think part of the problem is that a lot of these studies are typically couched in the terminology of science, "suggests that," "link between," "may," etc. and the media just ignores that and blares:
I think part of the problem is that a lot of these studies are typically couched in the terminology of science, "suggests that," "link between," "may," etc. and the media just ignores that and blares:
Here are the things I will not consume while pregnant—cigarettes, hard drugs, certain medications that specifically have warning labels for pregnant women.
I read it more as she didn't have to be ignorant of apartheid—the parent at the school fought to have a book by a South African author about apartheid banned. Now that girl didn't have the opportunity to learn about apartheid because of other people's discomfort and own ignorance.
I dunno, I read it as "Holy fuck, what the hell is up with a school system that doesn't address apartheid even glancingly enough so that people know how to pronounce the word."
Thanks science! you always looking out for us... now i can stay in my bed and if someone says anything about it, i'll show them this study... IS SCIENCE!!!
I think that you having a hangover on a semi-long flight is entirely your fault. You also handled the situation childishly, and, as you say, "I don't even know if [you being fatter than he was hoping for in a seatmate] what was bothering him." Now, you're probably right; he probably wasn't extremely pleased that you…
"People say the same kind of thing to me with their eyes on nearly every flight—this guy just chose to say it with his mouth."
Here's What It's Like To Be Annoying On A Plane
Okay, wait. I'm a fat person, and I know the feeling of judgement on a plane. That said, it sounds like she was being incredibly RUDE. He probably glared at her because she was late - which many people do. And she SHOULD have said 'excuse me" and POLITELY asked him to move. And she certainly shouldn't act like a…
Uh, I missed the part where this was about your weight? Didn't you charge on, anxious and frazzled, bump the guy, want him to move, not acknowledge with a polite "excuse me" or "oops, sorry," verbally confront him and instigate, and then kick his bag?
It sounds as if you were the one who was rude, even according to your OWN ACCOUNT of the confrontation. How old are you that you don't recognize that the adults here can tell that you were the one in the wrong, arriving late to a middle seat, not saying "excuse me," and then proceeding to verbally accost the man who…
Is it at all possible that he might have been having a bad day too? I mean you say something about having a hangover, but what if this guy's mother just died? It was a 7 am flight, what if he had to drive three hours to the airport to catch the flight? I'm not saying his surliness was right, but it's not his…
Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying.
So.....you violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?
I'm in. Fuck rich people.
Do schools not have lockers anymore? At my middle school and high school you carried maybe 1 or 2 books at a time and left the rest in your locker. Between classes you made a quick switch for whatever class was next. At night you only brought home what you needed for homework. High school was about 1200 students,…
Shhh. Everything at the commissary is at-cost.
Why on earth isn't DOD required to contract with US companies like State is? Egregious.
As a former soldier, what is particularly enraging is the retail price of the uniforms charged to soldiers is sufficient to support high wage domestic workers with generous benefits and still hand a hefty profit to the equity holders and capital investors.
Lowest reasonable/fair bid. However the govt. can (and should) set the standard at which it expects the bidding business to operate. That can then be factored into the bid, leveling the playing field and allowing bidders to request fair compensation for providing a living wage etc. But that doesn't matter in the…