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Maybe that's why 42 is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Oh, for fuck's sake. It's not insulting "because communism." It's insulting because putting a gigantic Louis Vuitton advertisement in the middle of an historic site (that takes up a ton of room and blocks the view of other historic buildings) is disrespectful regardless of the country. Pretty sure Americans would be

Retail workers should be spending Thursday and Friday on strike. Can you imagine what would happen if they turned the shopping day that their employers depend on the most into a huge protest against low wages, shit working conditions, and stolen holidays? If they picketed the stores and kept people from shopping

It obscures views of St. Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin towers and may inconvenience Muscovites and tourists alike, Sidyakin said, noting that such advertising isn't allowed at a Unesco World Heritage site.

I love Canada. Canadians are the best.

Dear Americans working on Thanksgiving:

Goddammit, I knew I should've kept my foreskin. Fucking mohel...

This should bring the curtains down on her career.

Saying this without any snark at all toward models: a lot of times they aren't WOMEN yet. They're girls. Runway models are typically teenagers, generally 14-19, and as such have the bodies of... well... 14 year olds. So you have grown women, with all the hormones and body processes that give them grown women bodies,

You know what's worse than a low libido? Suicide. Paralyzing depression. Rapid cycling bi-polar. Cutting. And a whole host of devastating mental illnesses that those meds & others like them help treat.

Lol! Mental illness is hilarious! Let's reinforce the idea that meds are crutches for boozy housewives! Yay! I love it when television tells me that I just don't understand my own life!

I can't tell you how excited I am for the further stigmatization of mental health treatment.

Amazon!! Cyber Monday! There are insanely good deals online!

It's okay to morally judge people who go shopping on Thursday, forcing underpaid hourly workers to miss Thanksgiving merriment with their families, right? Shoppers on Thursday are just bad people, period.

Simple answer here folks: if you go shopping for all the fantastic "deals" and make someone work that day, you are part of the problem.

I'm surprised more people aren't totally disgusted by this. I already hated the "omg I have to buy shit" mentality of Black Friday, and now that it's preventing a ton of my loved ones from even being able to see their families or take a day off I fucking hate it.