Not here anymore

I really liked my midwife practice for all the reasons already stated. I was lucky and got to pick from 3 different practices - all CNMs, all teamed with conventional OBs, all with admitting privileges to local hospitals. Midwives tend to spend more time with patients and do more education, but some OBs are like that

He grew up and got a full scholarship to VA tech, so he ended up okay :) He's now working full time for the next county over, and is looking at buying a house. He now doesn't drink soda if he can help it, although he usually gets the front seat just because his legs don't fit in the back seat comfortably :P

Then you'd have a lawsuit on your hands because they'd surely get kicked in the face/camera and then you're out more than 150 bucks!!

You get what you pay for sometimes.. I posted a freelance ad for a photographer on CL and people sent me their rates, as I didn't specify my budget. The low ones were sometimes REALLY CREEPY - I had to take down the ad. Do you want someone that will do 24 hours of photos for free and reply to that crazy ad to watch

And apologizing to their deeply unfortunate progeny for "not being enough during that crucial period of your life" or some such rot. They may as well skip to the middle and name the kid Teenage Drinker.

Exploitative cunts. I'm cackling. I hate that word, but it really works here.

I would take this assignment. I want to see how someone gives birth with their head completely up their own ass.

Good lord...please nobody do this project for free.

I have no problem with the caffeine. Its the sugary shit in soda that's rotting his teeth that I have a problem with. He didn't go to the dentist for quite sometime and went last year only to find out he needed like 15 fillings and 2 crowns. He's 25. What the ever. loving. FUCK. I was so angry.


If I didn't drink water I went thirsty. Water does not make you gag unless you've been trained to not enjoy it for some reason.

I just for the life of me don't get people who claim to not like the taste of water. That's like saying you don't like the smell of air. It's... WATER. Life sustaining water!

Yeah, my three year old only gets milk, water and VERY small amounts of juice (as in, if we're at a restaurant and they don't have milk-she loves her milk). She's also picky about water-she'll only drink it out of a certain kind of cup with ice in it. I think this is good, as I've met plenty of kids her age who

First world problems! Hurray!

First world problems! Hurray!

I knew a girl like this growing up. Its disgusting. I don't understand people like that. I never got soda growing up-we were too poor, plus my mom didn't want me drinking it-and now I watch as a lot of my friends HAVE to have soda or they get headaches or bad cravings or something. I can barely finish a can of root

This is why I thank my mother for not giving my sis and I soda until we were over five years old, and limiting our juice intake during this time as well. We grew up drinking lots of milk and water, and eating fruit rather than drinking it. If she had had her way, we wouldn't have gotten soda until much later, but Dad

I couldn't drink water as a kid except when I was hot and sweaty. Like, I could drink it for dance class and stuff, and that was it. It was really gross to me. It was even worse when trying to swallow pills (and I took a lot for Crohn's). I drank a lot of milk as a kid, though, because I didn't like soda either.