Too young to be away from her mother...this just makes me kinda sad. Say otherwise and this new-ish mum will claw your fucking eyes out.
Too young to be away from her mother...this just makes me kinda sad. Say otherwise and this new-ish mum will claw your fucking eyes out.
You know those sequins are sewed on by children in India, right? (I so wish I were kidding)
And they were made by wage slaves in dangerous factories from environmentally toxic cotton and dyes. What a deal!
Rag and Bone is made in the US. For me, that justifies a higher price. I find their quality is quite good and I love their styling... so for me, worth it. Should I be sorry about that?
Unless they or their partners are alergic to latex.
No kidding...thinking of the asshole men who spread their legs like albatross wings...
Thank you. Soooo not down with my eco hippie vibe.
No, you can't do that. You should have more than enough pussy to eat at home.
Yep; this is my 11.5 month old. Watching him do unintentional downward facing dog while he tries to get his feet under him is hilarious. He wants to walk so, so badly, but he just doesn't have the coordination yet.
Darnit! I guess that means we can't arrest her, huh?
Well, teachers haven't had any of those abusive tools at their disposal for quite a while now (thank god) and "the look" combined with shrewd psychologically sound approaches (clear expectations, clear limits, praise, chances to learn from mistakes) and about 10,000 tons of patience WORKS.
Epcot! AmI wrong but...yay Canada?
Really? I was just making a curt observation. No trolling intended.
Ageface is the new blackface.
Congratulations! You're through the worst...stay strong and take good care of yourself! Hugs!
She is not 19. She talks like she's twelve and looks 35. Worst of both worlds.
Yep, me too. Problem is even though our school is a "scent free" zone the kids still bring it and use it as a weapon. I tried to have one kid suspended for assaulting a classmate with the stuff but the admin just kind of shrugs and does nothing. I suspect we're going to have to lose someone (or have someone…
That shit is seriously harmful and some asshole kids weild it as a weapon against scent-sensitive kids and adults. It's not really funny when your airway constricts, you get a blinding headache and tremors/nausea from being agressively doused with a neurotoxin. I speak from experience.