Not here anymore

Fuck this fucking asshole. Let's tie him and Dov Charney together and sink them to the bottom of the ocean.

I'm honestly surprised they haven't been sued for asphyxiating customers and staff. The godawful scent they spray everywhere is full of allergens, toxins and hormone disruptors. It will be interesting to see if the employees eventually file a class-action law suit because they are all suffering from illnesses directly

"...But I'm able to see beauty in many many things, from people to children..." Good to know children aren't people!

Thank you, this is everything.

It's still none of their fucking business.

Best of luck dear! Hugs!

Poo! Maybe try a stretchy purple bedsheet (the jersey kind)?

Yer so creepy, I kinda luuurve you.

Yer so creepy, I kinda luuurve you.


Thankyu, thankuverymuch.

Well, it is stretchy, no?

American Apparel tube dress. Done.

Aw, I love Chianti, he's so solid; he changes diapers, does dishes and gives great oral. In my house, mom gets all wet over Sancerre. I tried to explain he came out of the closet and is now happily married to an interior designer from San Francisco, but she just won't get over him.

Nope. Mine tore a hole in my uterus, causing an infection that nearly killed me on my honeymoon. Nothing is completely risk-free.

YES. Thank you! Good fats like dairy and nut oils are not the problem.

Yes, thank you. I hate long nails and long pubes. My body, my choice.

Oh great, more voodoo mumbo jumbo. Such bullshit. When will we stop relying on stereotypes and lies for entertainment? Vodou deserves respect.

My mother did this to me as well. I used to think my father's cussing and yelling was worse...nope. Didn't hold a candle to being made to feel as if you didn't exist. Now I can't stand the silent treatment and anyone who pulls it on me (well, at least people who matter) had better get ready for non-stop pestering and

Wow. These are some of the ugliest rags I've seen in a while. Barf.