Not here anymore


Yes. Well stated.

BINGO. WTF is this being framed any other way?

Only buy stuff that comes from the outer isles of the grocery store (raw veggies and fruits, nuts, milk, eggs, meat). If it is processed, make sure it is a simple process, like extraction (oils), bacterial colonization/curdling (yogurt, cheese) or (my favourite) fermentation (booze). If it is preserved (canned veg,

But what both of you are failing to realize is that not all calories are created equal. You can't exercise enough to truly "burn off" a significant amount of excess calories unless you're in the gym all day. But you can change the type of calories you eat (proteins, healthy fats, glucose instead of fructose or

I think the medical establishment should concentrate less on appearances and more on actual metabolic syndrome, which really is worrisome:

No thanks. I'd prefer to Wank for Jesus.

The funny thing is...people are actually funding some strange-ass shit. It's an incredible display of stupidity and denial combined with sheer optimism.

Fair enough, I can see how that would be a boon to the industry.

You have a story. Tell it?

That is pretty good.

I dunno. There was an astounding amount of dumbass ideas when I looked (and about a million mediocre ones).

some guy wanted to "translate" Shakespeare into LOLSpeak

Holy crap. It's worse than I ever could have imagined.

Now I feel like I need to go see just how awful these kickstarter projects really are...

TV online is like going to a private, exclusive gallery. It's calm, I can choose what to look at, I can enjoy it unencumbered by advertisements or solicitations. Regular TV is more like going high to a 24/7 nudist flea market in LA. Scary stuff.

Clearly. I only come here for the mansplainers and MRA's.

Who? I don't know who this person is because I don't own a TV. And I'd like to keep it that way.

I'm married, but I still want the blazer. Smythe please.