
How about instead of "umpteenth" you actually report a number? I use Uber all the time, by myself, as a woman, and if you're trying to say that it's actually unsafe, I'd like a little journalistic evidence to support that.

It's a million times more convenient than cabs. I don't have to stand around on a street corner for 10 minutes, peering around for a taxi. I can put in exactly where I want to go and know exactly where the car is that's picking me up.

My flowers (bouquet, boutonierre, corsage) cost $120. I got married outside.

My experience is that while everyone can be an asshole, people from cultures where manners are associated with waiting quietly, queuing up, not pushing, etc tend to be less likely to be assholes on a plane than people from cultures where it is not considered rude to push to the front of the line, try to sit in a seat

Dear wedding florist, Just writing to let you know that instead of buying meaningless and arbitrary flowers that no one gives two shits about, my fiance and I instead will be buying a half ounce of fabulous weed, a new vibrator, and if we can manage it, a couple vicodin. And then we'll spend the night fucking the ever

I would pay extra to have a seat on a plane in which children were banned.

The Oatmeal has it planned out correctly...

Whether it's an evite or a paper card, it's rude not to respond. An invitation isn't less official when it's electronic.

Almost as rude is to RSVP yes and then not show up, unless it is due to illness or an unforeseen circumstance (in which case the polite thing to do is notify the host ASAP, if possible, so they're not worried about you when they notice you're not there).

The only time I get seriously pissed about crying on a plane is when the parent just sits there like dead weight, not even trying to rock or soothe the baby. Or when someone boards a 10 hour flight with a 2 year old and did not even bring a single toy. What did you think your toddler was going to do, read the

Maybe airlines should make other seating arrangements for children.



Your friend sounds horrible. Well, all the friends in those stories sound like horrible people.


I wish. We started taking phone numbers for smaller parties too (5-6) and they don't hold the tables for long (it used to be they held it for almost an hour, then 30 minutes now it's 20.)

Are you sending out Facebook invites to your wedding?

I RSVP "maybe" to stuff that I might go to, and where a "maybe" won't be inconsiderate. Invite to a show at a bar downtown that an hour before I probably want to be in bed? Maybe. Invite to the happy hour gathering that just involves showing up at a bar (no reserved

After reading all the "30 years ago today Like a Virgin hit number 1!" articles earlier this week, I cannot believe we are STILL having this discussion. How can this discussion not have moved on from here? Oh wait, trick question, now we've suddenly discovered black female artists and have to have this discussion

She shows her booty because it's scintillating and scintillating sells albums?