
deadly serious work for intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and financial institutions took place in an environment that tolerated office drinking and juvenile behavior.

I like Munn well enough but you betray your own ignorance lumping her in with Felicia Day, who is an awesome geek who created her own webseries about World of Warcraft (The Guild), launched her own YouTube channel called Geek and Sundry, co-created Tabletop with Wil Wheaton and has appeared as a guest at least 10

Uh, have you see Felicia Day’s goodreads page? Girl reads ten times more epic fantasy and sci-fi a year than I do, and I read a decent bit. If you have to “earn” your geek cred, she’s earned it 100 times over.

Oh, christ, enough with the gatekeeping. The idea that Felicia Day isn’t enough geek to qualify for the geek treehouse club is insane.

Felicia Day is a faux geek? Get a fucking clue.

Holy crap, did you just compare a newbie nerding out to someone who steals the identity of an actual war veteran? Are you trying to compare a geek or dern to a war veteran? Because as a lifetime geek, and nerd,who has friends in the military, I find that TERRIBLY offensive. Did you just do that? What a total jackass

I would posit that the military is the worst example for what you are trying to talk about. Liking something, a lot even, and caring/knowing more about it than practically anyone and participating in something where your life is on the line are very, very different things. Stolen valor is actually stolen valor, stolen

Wait, did you just call out Felicia Day for being a fake nerd?

What? Geek/Nerdom IS Pop Culture at this point and open to anyone. This need to put rules and restrictions on what is/isn’t and who classifies as such is ridiculous and has been one of the biggest issues with geek/nerd culture, and acceptance of other people into it, for years.

This is exactly the stuff that Charlie Jane was talking about on her goodbye post. Angry nerds trying to act as gatekeepers because the geek culture is lot more accessible, more mainstream, and many things to more people. Oh no, she’s gotten to nerd stuff late in her life and won’t understand being a nerd! She must be

Hey, everyone! Pay attention as this dickhead tells us all what it means to be a Geek and/or Nerd. Because this is a thing that one can apparently have the definitive answer as to what it means to everyone.

Was it called fowl?

Gender fluid here and it’s hard to find but there is some female POV (reverse or f pov if you’re searching) porn out there if that’s a thing you might dig. know...heard about it from a friend...

Right? god forbid we want content geared towards us, not just dudes. VR is so immersive that there will be a really big cognitive disconnect if you can look down and see your dick, and you’re a woman..

Just because all the women who sleep with you don’t actually want to look at you, that’s not the case for all women’s perspectives. Thanks for playing, though!

Yep, me too. I have VR headsets, so I was going to go look at it for research purposes, but it’s less appealing if it assumes I’m a man.

Spoken like someone who hasn’t ever gotten laid because women just don’t seem to be interested for some unknown reason. Must be them, right?

Clearly you lack a sense of adventure, if you think sexy time for us is either missionary or doggy style.

I think the issue is that the video games industry (and the tech industry at large) has a long history of both marginalizing and objectifying members of the fairer sex. So when you host a forum that’s literally about discussing this issue, then go right back to objectifying that sex, that’s kinda hypocritical.

Holy shit what an asshole