
And now they’ve subpoena’d Flynn. Shit is going down.

I was wondering why no one was making a bigger deal of Sally Yates’ testimony yesterday, were if you read between the lines she was basically saying Trump knew Flynn lied to Pence, which raises questions of why you’d continue to keep him on. Her testimony showed how close they were getting to Trump; it’s why Comey was

The pundit on CNN is not having it. He has been on every single half hour reminding everyone that a sitting president has only one time in history fired the head of an investigation on himself. And we all know how that turned out. Every single half hour show.

“the potential to undermine the legitimacy of the current administration.”

If mishandling Clinton’s emails was the real reason he would have been fired day one.

I think she scared them yesterday.

Yeah, that one quote says everything.

Comey messed up, for sure, but it seems like a trap was set for him, and Trump was waiting for the moment that Comey made any mistake or showed any weakness to kick him out. Not much more sophisticated than a storyline on “The Apprentice.”

Actually also quite interesting, and again from a good (independent) article, he apparently has trouble with English-style emphasis. Pierre Trudeau had somewhat draconian language rules in their household, causing the kids to be far more familiar with French.  Justin apparently still speaks in a Francophone - though

Donate! Volunteer! Go your local government meetings!

“He leaned heavily upon the tragic death of Kate Steinle, as evidence for the ban’s necessity”

The gun used to kill her was stolen from a Federal Employee’s vehicle near the slaying. Seems a tad unusual that this case is still cited as some benchmark of everything that’s wrong with our immigration system while there’s about a dozen other things that never get touched on.

I have a hard time keeping up with cultural appropriation standards. In my understanding, it would be bad to wear a sombrero while getting wasted (because stereotypes), but Bey’s full of babies and definitely not drinking tequila shots right now so I would have thought it was kind of ok. It also wasn’t at a themed

At least she’s not reading Ayn Rand. Anything to keep her away from that how-to for sociopaths.

I believe James prefers to be referred to as the “White Kanye West.” Which always gives me second-hand embarassment and reminds me of Lindsay Lohan’s mom referring to herself as the “White Oprah.” The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Every single time I read the name “Andrew Wakefield” I assume he’s a Sweet Valley High character and not a real person. Which is probably fitting seeing that his vaccination theory is complete fiction.

There’s no woman in this relationship. It’s two guys. I find it funny how many people in this comment section lack reading comprehension.

It is a common indicator of early onset Alzheimer’s when a person doesn’t remember what happened today, but say, remembers what happened 3 months ago, as if it was today. Later as the disease progresses, they may remember 20 years ago as if it was today. And so on. It’s a hell of a disease. I just can’t believe that

It’s cute that you think Bananas has a job

If it helps your entire comment makes no sense to me. (I am really horrendous at at math)