
“When it’s with me, girl, you only need two minutes, because I’m so intense. You say something like, ‘Is that it?’ I know what you’re trying to say. You’re trying to say, ‘Aww yeah, that’s it!’ Then you tell me you want some more. Well, I’m not surprised. But I am quite sleepy”.

It looks like something my child would create from a Frozen jewel kit as a terrible Christmas present I’d have to wear to some family function before accidentally “losing it.”

But he can’t use my phone.

Someone better call Tyrone and tell him to get his shit together.

My question is this: How is a Christian organization allowed to do a “Christian interactive experience” haunted house in a government funded public school?

If I were Jay-Z, I’d be concerned that coming over to Kim and Kanye’s house would mean I’d unwittingly signed myself up to appear in KUWTK.

Yes! I sometimes wonder “what if”, but I don’t regret it at all.

Any pre-abortion counseling should include information on the cost of child-care, the risks associated with childbirth, postpartum depression, etc.

I’ve known since age seven that I wanted to be a mother. I still don’t regret the abortion I had when I wasn’t ready for that.

I had 2 thoughts watching this episode last night:

Have fun in Orlando, but start trying for baby around Christmas (8 weeks after you return). btw, your doc sucks.

It’s a great way to see how much body hair you shed on the daily.

She recently made a post on her Facebook where she was condemning one of the people who bought one of her houses for taking down the American flag she put up, and when she went and offered to replace the flag for them (because apparently you can’t own a house in this country without proudly flying the red white and

I miss her. I miss Mr. Roper and Mr. Furley and Jack Tripper. I miss this show so much.

Right? Mrs. Roper and her unique style are a goddamn blessing to this nation. #Roper2016

I kind of see this guy from, The Hills Have Eyes.

I feel like I have no idea how these comments work! Are my comments really all in a row or are they nested beneath the original? If they are all in a row, my super apologies for being the worst kind of newb!

But the stuff James Frey lied about was at least a little plausible, no?

Zambillion Little Pieces.