are we seriously not doing “phrasing” any more?
are we seriously not doing “phrasing” any more?
Plus: Um, General? You geniuses were going to drop a nuke on the city.
What are you Marvel guys whining for? You could be living in Metropolis for fuck sake!
Oh, is that what that was? I thought Tony said “On the roof!” which seemed like a weird way to signal a surprise attack.
I’m ashamed to say that when I saw the bright red, I’d been so desensitised to the previous versions I was disappointed. Until I reminded myself: “that’s how he’s meant to look, moron”
Someone saw Deadpool and thought, “we can do that too, only worse!”
You know, I’ve bitched and moaned about not caring whether Spidey gets ported over to the MCU, but damn it all, it is nice to see him there.
I’m black and I think that’s a really absurd way of thinking about the push for diversity. It’s incredibly limiting to think that each person should only fight for the success of and draw attention to the struggles of the group they belong to.
Tall guy, weird clothes. First you see him, then you don’t.
He’s not going to stay Baby Groot is he? Because I think that’s barking up the wrong tree.
The fact that it was barely satire tho.
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
Here’s the problem with using Darkseid:
Typical. “Well, she consented to have sex with THAT guy, so we thought....”
I was so impressed with your quick mea culpa before you completely invalidated it with this comment.
Yes, I am aware that traditionally lynch mobs went after African Americans and NO that is not the type of mob I want brought back. My wording was bad because I should have said “vigilante justice”.
The most common train of thought is that Steve stands up for the American ideal, and isn’t just a government flunky. That’s consistent with what he’s done in the comics over the years.