
@David Josselyn: A short piece of hers showed up on Boing Boing. While it was attributed, Doctorow claimed it was under Creative Commons. It wasn't. She went to the E-Piracy Commission of the Science Fiction Writers of America, only to find it had been dissolved because Doctorow had complained of "unauthorized

@Chuck: I think honestly the problem is that Lost started up right when Friends ended. They were super vulnerable since they'd just lost their only tentpole. They look over at ABC, see a weird genre show with an ensemble cast, and try to replicate it with Heroes. That doesn't work. Journeyman. Kings. The Event. Etc,

I really respect her, not only as a writer, but for stucking to her guns on copywright. She and Gregg Bear are heroes for not letting the open source brigade bully them into making the fashionable but foolish mistake of relinquishing control of their work.

@Chuck: I dunno, they seem to be doing well against idol, posting fewer ratings losses (hell, Community didn't drop at all) than the others. So at least their comedy bloc is relatively strong with 4 good shows.

@Nick Hall: That's not really a pickup. It's a two years and change old pilot order.

@This is not the commentor you were looking for...: That's part of it. She has no personality of her own and is vulnerable. A lot of geeks would think of that as the perfect woman, since it means never, ever, ever having to worry about her feelings while also being the hero.

@sidestepper: I know it's totes obvious, but I think Poe-as-detective actually has potential. A high concept miniseries that looks at his mental degeneration and obsession with the Rogers case and contrasts that with Virginia Clem's physical degeneration might be cool.

A Gorey animation credit sequence would own, provided it was in the vein of his Mystery! intro cartoon.

It's kind of funny because it's hard to object to it until you realize that the sponsor is basically paying facebook to assert that that pair of sneakers from the footlocker or quarter pounder with extra pickles was literally the most important thing you did that day.

Hmm. The Illusionist should win but it wont since it's not a kids' movie adults can delude themselves into thinking is appropriate for them.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: I forget who made the observation, Charlie Stross I think, but it's quite apt. Steampunks are the opposite of crafters. Crafters build new things, whereas Steampunks rip apart and break things in order to glue their parts to other things.

Everyone knows that Dead State is the REAL Walking Dead game. I just hope it actually comes out.

@BoomingEchoes: If it's Telltale, he's right. They put out serviceable games which coast on nostalgia for earlier entries in the franchises they belong to.

@tetracycloide: No they were cliches for literally decades. The Grizzled Veteran who comes to trust the hero, the ice queen with a rocky family life, the peppy, optimistic urchin with a big, masculine brawler sidekick? It's sickeningly cliche. People praised it because that's what Star Wars is, a festering pile of

@tetracycloide: KOTOR is a mess of boring cliches and their new games rely to a literally comical extent on Rape and Daddy Issues. Good writing is not really something Bioware has in spades.

@wirebrain: How exactly is it a ripoff of the Dresden Files? I've only ever seen the show, but insofar as I can tell all they've got in common is they're both Urban Fantasy.

Golden age of Bad TV? I doubt it. TV's pretty much better than it's ever been. It's just that Science Fiction Television is rubbish. Part of what makes contemporary TV so great is that both Cable and Network TV are less broad than ever. The problem is that Science Fiction Television has to be broad to find an

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: Old post, but disagreedo. They struggled because they were ordinary people who got into the superheroism game (and therefore who learned to fight) purely because they had fuck all else to do but follow in the footsteps of their predecessors. The point is that they aren't superhuman. They're

@astrogea: And think about it, it'd work. Batman has a huge, freakishly eccentric rogue's gallery. All the background characters could have the same thing going on as the clones, where they're pop culture parodies of themselves. Barbara, Bruce and Catwoman could have a love triangle like Joan, Abe and Cleo...

Would have owned if done right. It'd need a funny touch though, something Clone High ish. Batman works for that because the premise is frankly pretty ridiculous and dumb, so it's got lots of room for self-parody ala the show with Adam West