
@Vexxarr: Actually Iron Man 2 was terrible and so was Tron Legacy. Sorry that you have bad taste.

@britboyj: It was basically a Matrix Sequel dressed up in an even more predictable aesthetic. Also the Soundtrack? Daft Punk? Ugh.

The Fact that Toy Story is on the list at all is a problem. It's a children's movie. It is for children. It should not be satisfying to anyone over the age of twelve.

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: They did struggle though. That was kind of the point of the scene where Dan and Laurie are walking home from dinner. It feeds into the whole erotic aspect of it that is big for Hooded Justice.

@Delphinus100: You missed the point. The whole point of talking about past sins was to point out that our impetus to explore is actually an impetus to conquer, and that we shouldn't romanticize it because it's still rooted in the same imperialist reflex that we like to think that Neoliberal Democracies have grown

@Zack_Stentz: I like Science Fiction. But so does Geoff Ryman, and he's even more adamant about it than me (to the point of writing the Mundane Science Fiction Manifesto) and he's got two Arthur C. Clarke awards and a Philip K. Dick award. Charlie Stross has posted at length about how awful Space Nerds are and how

@ThisDudeRufus: No, but the point is that the spirit of exploration isn't some beautiful thing we should preserve.

@ThisDudeRufus: Yeah because the Westward Expansion totally owned. The Mexican-American war was totally great as was the Indian Removal policy.

Because Space is shit and rubbish and who cares?

Watchmen's big mistake was going for flashy action. It really undercut the film's themes to make the heroes into, well, superheroes when it came to fighting.

They don't need to explain his aging. Thanks, Botox.

@Wookielifeday: Actually they were all the basis of articles in major papers (NYT, Guardian, Globe and Mail) so maybe the problem is less with how the leaking is being done and more with the fact that you don't read.

@NotGodot: For the record: Ur-Fascist is a term Umberto Eco devised to refer to the kinds of behaviors, ideologies and opinions he observed in his family, friends and neighbours while he was growing up in fascist Italy when exhibited in people who are not ideologically fascist. It refers to people who behave as

I always liked Moorcock because even though his work felt very dated when I came to it (it just felt very SEVENTIES, the same way that Zelazny does) he was one of the first people I read who was actually quite critical of Tolkien. It was a breath of fresh air to read someone who didn't tongue the man's asshole, and

@Daveinva: You're right. The fact that State Department Reps cover for Military Contractors who procure Child Prostitutes for their contacts is an all-important state secret that must be safeguarded no matter what! Same for The Collateral Murder video. Are Troops must have the right to kill whatever brown people they

@ampersands: Skip the Bas-Lag books. They're... OK. But they're fantasy. So they're kind of awful.

Todd Howard confirmed ages ago that it's merely using a new version of Gamebryo, and compared it to the jump from Morrowind to Oblivion.

@Beatcamel: To be fair, Tim Burton had one good idea of his own. It's just been repeated so many times that it's lost all its charm.

@ManchuCandidate: The concept, last I heard, was that it follows a pre-merger Weyland Corporation terraforming team that has a close encounter with a space jockey terraforming team. Not sure if it'll be high-tech super-scientific terraforming or more along the lines of planet janitors.