
@Balmut: Fuck future sentient life. Don't get me wrong, the death of humans in the specific is awful, but the death of humanity in the abstract doesn't bother me at all.

@viggen: There is literally nothing wrong with our species dying out. Sorry that you're a child.

@OkayOctane: I mean in any meaningful sense. Of course we can shoot people into space, but not in any socially or politically transformative way. It's just dickwaving that signifies nothing.

@phoenix: I'm not a nihilist. If anything I'm overly idealistic for believing that mankind will learn to look boldly downward instead of being blinded by the brilliance of the universe.

@cripto33: Space travel is, sure. But what about colonization on any meaningful scale? The number of people we're capable of moving is too small, the social change necessary to support it is too great, and the challenges of long term habitation are rarely meaningfully addressed.

@Damob: Extinction is inevitable. Sure, we should try to prolong our existence as a species, but we should be realistic about doing so instead of pinning our hopes on some kind of technorapture that will allow our species to live forever in space/computers/nanites/whatever.

@starbuck13: I dunno, that legacy is mostly tarnished because it amounts to a Cold War dickwaving contest with the Soviets. Arguably that's why they're in this mess. We only went to the moon to piss on it so that the Russians would know it was ours. It's hard to wax poetic about it in context.

Seriously fuck space. Space is rubbish. It's shit. Humanity will probably never, ever leave this rock we call earth and the cultural myth of space exploration arguably does more harm than good by discouraging stewardship.

@starbuck13: Ever since the '08 election there have been a shitload of articles asking WHAT IS OBAMA GONNA DO ABOUT NASA? Nevermind that NASA is pretty insignificant in terms of expenses. Apparently it's a huge deal.

@jmcm: No, I disagree completely. It is entirely fair and correct for these scientists to publicize their criticisms outside of the lab, and to do so in a way that (as in the Slate article) clearly explains what the problems with the research are.

@WookieLifeDay: No, I mostly just ignore other people though.

@WookieLifeDay: Who do you talk to? People who like Avatar? Get better friends.

@WookieLifeDay: No, probably not. The whole notion is ghoulish-as-fuck and would probably be scorned and mocked no matter who came up with it.

Did anyone else find that Fables went downhill after that big, preachy babbling speech about Israel? The whole thing just left a bitter taste in my mouth, especially since the Israel parallel was so tortured and barely applicable.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: I dunno, I'll agree that it's not his worst but I never managed to finish it. I found it pretty unengaging. The characters seemed less like people and more like what a computer in a basement at MIT would think people are like.

@TechnoDestructo: Now now. Doctorow's books serve a purpose. Men and women who are braver than you and I can sift through them and find particularly bad paragraphs to laugh at.

Cory Doctorow book unironically recommended. List has no credibility.

@Josh Wimmer: I think I threw up a little in the back of my mouth. Death to Broadway, Death to Broadway Audiences, Death to America.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: They should just throw out the script and go all grand guignol. Blood everywhere, everywhere, blood.

Spiderman is going to flop so hard. A franchise the public is no longer excited about, repeated technical catastrophes, maimings...