Bazza, Delta Blues Man

PT-Cruiser, no contest.

Iranian police used S Classes back in te 90's

logically if you get a streched version, the rear end is sharp enough to slice anything you reverse into...

Does a stupid ''i'' at the start of a wares name really make it sell better or something!?

you people have a different picture of the apocalypse to what is, most probably, going to happen... although if enough people the world will soon be fallout style warzone... Jeep sales will go up.

@brandegee: if they did, with the sales figures they'd get they'll trade him for daniel bedingfield... who ever that is!

Meh! For Obama tis ain't a very ''changey'' kinda car... I was expecting transformer shit running on biodeisel

@Unregular: Does this count as blogging?

Some say that he couldn't keep his 1hr a week TV identity to himself!

Ya know... Pictures help!

AMG that's hot (play on internet slang ''OMG'')

oh good that makes fear one significantly cheaper

when i think of maybach, national socialism doesn't come to mind, but a similar ideology does... it's still a good car, even as an investment for the time capitalism gets back in order.

Yeah you see these cars... it's none of them

''Nah, someone's just ashamed of their little Toyota''

''oh dear lord! someone melted the concept!''