I want to second Etienne's comment, definitely on the money. But I also want to add my two cents.
I want to second Etienne's comment, definitely on the money. But I also want to add my two cents.
I want to second Crest Whitestrips. I had my teeth professionally whitened (I'm an actor, don't just me...), but my mother and sister have used Crest Whitestrips for years—honestly, they're teeth look pretty much just like mine.
You do adult puppet shows and you're a sensitive, intelligent human being? Can we get married, please?
I'm just...I'm hesitant to believe he's that clever.
Definitely true. But I actually think kittensandrainbows is a dude judging from some past comments.
I'm with you on all of those except for the ignorant teen—they may still have a chance at being an informed/decent adult. Maybe.
Where do we stand on kittensandrainbows? Troll or shitty human being?
Somehow in this thread you managed to be accused of hating/wanting to oppress white men and of being a white-man-troll. How? Wha? Am I being punk'd?
It's not just that he's addressing these things as though they are ridiculous—he's intentionally addressing things that are widely thought to be bad ideas and directly comparing them to a racially integrated prom. So racially integrated proms are a bad idea (or, as I said earlier, equal to a gross mush of prison-grade…
Honestly, have a whole story about this that perhaps I'll have the energy to share later, but all of the people who decry political correctness are the very same who have zero capacity for empathy (I'm sure this is not news to you BobLobLaw, I have long enjoyed your comments in the Gawkerverse). Alleged "political…
I can't remember exactly which episode this is from, but there are a few in which Zoidberg either molts or gets naked to go swimming or something (I think he might be getting ready to go swimming here...or maybe getting ready for an orgy...he's naked often enough that I truly can't remember).
I've also definitely used the men's room when the ladies' room line was too long, BUT it's really not a decision I feel comfortable making for other women. I don't feel comfortable forcing a woman to use a gender neutral bathroom if she doesn't feel safe doing so. While I appreciate the idea of the open bathrooms…
To quote the super fresh dude who writes the "Yo, Is This Racist?" tumblr:
I have very mixed feelings about integrated bathrooms. I WISH we lived in a world where we could integrate all bathrooms everywhere, and everything everywhere would be fine. I suspect that integrated bathrooms would make at least one everyday activity easier for transgendered and non-binary-gendered folks (but I am…
Perhaps we have the makings of a new horror film franchise right here?