
For what it’s worth, this appears to be a 3 way race now and Bernie has as good a shot to win it as as Pete and Bloomberg. I don’t think there is anyone who is running who could possibly be a VP for Bernie other than Warren, she may have blown her own chances but shut can probably anchor onto Bernie in the end.

The soft bigotry of low expectations, by lowering the bar they’ve only hurt our children.

I know a few teachers who moved to avoid this, the basic thing is teachers cannot actually restrain a child. The minute a teacher places hands on a child for any reason they run the risk of losing their job. So when a 6 year old starts knocking stuff over and throwing things at them, all they can do is call the SRO.

Elizabeth Warren said what I constantly find myself saying, criminal justice reform is not a black agenda. While blacks are disproportionately in prisons, the majority of us will never serve any time. She basically is the only DNC candidate at this point who doesn’t have some extremely problematic history with black

Not sure if it was your intent, but this reads like you believe that black boys and men cannot be victims of sexual violence. Somehow black men just live a life oblivious to being preyed upon, you should talk to some other black men, ask them about there first experience. Might be surprised how many sound like

Please direct me to where Kobe admitted it wasn’t consensual? He did not say that in his apology letter.

I don’t think journalist should get to hide behind their job for being disrespectful anymore than he should be held accountable for what he said in response. There was a whole interview, she’s under fire for a 3 minute segment, she decided to try to push the issue when she didn’t like the first answer she was given.

Yep, Snoop lost me with the Free Bill Cosby line. I think for black people as a whole, we have to stop viewing a put down of 1 person as an attack on every black man/woman, we’re not all the same.

Iowa is always the true indication for the DNC because it really represents how Dems have been operating for years now. White people will determine the option and then black people will be show up to the polls to support whoever they’ve picked for them. Watch once a real candidate is chosen how quickly the narratives

He never said he did anything other than have consensual sex with this woman and nothing to the opposite was ever proven or even presented. This idea that anyone who has ever had a claim made against them must wear it as a conviction for the rest of their life is wrong. Asking there close friends to speak on something

I can understand subordinates, while I personally think his argument that most relationships start at work and it’s unfair to think it should be different for him because he’s the boss. But for guest, they come on the show 1 time in general and in no way does he have the ability to stop them from working, how does a

Kamala never struggled with fundraising and was neck and neck with Biden in terms of cash, somehow her campaign ended up broke still. Kamala was on stage for every debate and had already qualified for the next debate when she dropped out, not sure why she was mentioned here at all.

I’d actually argue that the cultural make up of the both of them makes them more white than black. But the point is for Obama that didn’t matter and for Mahomes if he accidentally slipped while the National Anthem was playing those same hair wigs little white kids are running all around KC wearing would be in a

Strangely, Barack Obama also comes from a similar make up, yet the people walking all around Kansas City wearing Mahomes hair headbands likely would not view him in the same light nor do I think Obama would embrace it the same way either.

Bieniemy is being robbed, I can only imagine how he must feel. The HC on the other sideline is the same guy who blew a 28-3 lead to my Pat’s when we was in the same position and in return was rewarded with his new job. Mahomes on the other hand, he is doing everything he can to make sure people see him as a

I think this misses a point that often goes untold, not all black people want their kids in all white schools even if they moved into a white neighborhood. St. Louis is a good representation of this, St. Louis City has a ordinance that will not allow black students to transfer from out of district because the schools

It also a large part of, “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

“If we had decent, moral leadership this problem wouldn’t be happening, or at the very least there would be hope that it could be resolved. We don’t have that though. We’ve got white supremacists in charge and a chunk of the country who believe your humanity only counts if you’re an American. More people are going to

Obviously it’s not or so many would not come to America looking for work. But don’t come to a country and look down on the people who are already there. If you do not care about the plight of those people, at least stop taking jobs to portray the plight of the people you do not care about. Daniel’s 3 leading roles