It’s gonna be dry, even Paula Dean would have you add some milk.
It’s gonna be dry, even Paula Dean would have you add some milk.
Side note, using prison populations to gerrymander state districts should be outlawed. If the prisoners can’t vote then you shouldn’t be allowed to boost your small white town into a major city by counting the heads in your jail.
Anyone able to explain how the guy who is playing Fred Hampton is tired of talking about race? How about he leave all the “race” roles alone, I’m sure some American born actors would like to work too.
Whenever I hear PG County mentioned I think, “Between the world and me” and then it’s followed by another story like this, just sad.
I was arrested for DWS and the officer placed me in the front with him, granted I wasn’t high on PCP. Basic reasoning was I’m a big man and the backseat was to small, he didn’t feel like waiting for backup on what we both knew was a BS stop.
I was referring to CDawg as a “never Bernie” not Warren. I could possibly get behind a Warren ticket and maybe still Bernie, but he keeps having these tone dead moments about black people and their issues. I don’t need a candidate that only, or even main focus, align with my issues. But if a candidate is outright…
Don’t think either of us said that, she’s been clear she’s a never Bernie, but anyone else can get a vote. I on the other hand will no longer vote for candidates who tell me directly they have no plan for the “black” community. I will vote, but if the presidential candidate is on some everybody else/rising tide BS,…
I’m think down ballot this year, I used to be a big time Bernie guy, but the more I see of him the more I see his huge blind side about race, as a black man can’t get my vote like that. Every other candidate does nothing for me.
So with Kamala out of here, who are you supporting?
I don’t know enough about this man as a politician to judge, but I will be happy when the quality of a politician returns to what is done for their constituents and not viral twitter mess and empty highlight footage for CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
I listened to Rick Ross on breakfast club years ago say his motivation to lose weight was so he could buy designer clothes. Not sure about women sizes, but if it’s Japanese or European, subtract 2 sizes from your American fit. Men have been losing weight to fit into clothes for all my life. Perhaps Queen B is trying…
Why is it so hard to acknowledge that Hillary ran a bad campaign. For her to complain that Trump cheated when you also know how the DNC did Bernie is disingenuous. She ran a campaign with the idea she was a sure thing, failed to campaign in swing states and fly states. Trump only spent time in swing states, his plan…
This combined with Power, I’m starting to believe purposefully bad is the goal to create good black television.
Could it be that, all the “wrong” people have a history of mistreating people and them accepting it? It’s not picking a fight when you tell people to treat you right and they refuse.
The rumor is that he didn’t spend any of his actual salary while playing and lived solely on endorsements and investments. He’s a true never going back (while never leaving) all star.
Nigeria, like all the other African countries, will only be extending citizenship to the rich. If you meet that requirement then the door of return is open for you. If not, you can be overcharged to vacation and then return your black ass home.
I’m saying the two are not connected at all. When you hear a song for the first time, you’re lying if you say the first thing you think is let me check this artist background. When you go to an art gallery, you don’t know anything about the artist outside of the provided bio they give. If the artist is a rapist, they…
It’s honest, name your favorites and 10 minutes of google searching will reveal that they too are deplorable. Are they all child molesters, no (but some very great are like Marvin Gaye, James brown, Chuck Berry, Elvis), but they are plenty of other things you can do wrong. The best art tends to come from dark places,…
You separate it because the majority of people, not just artist, are deplorable. When you start jamming camera’s down people’s face day in and out you see things that you never should of. You could make an argument to cancel literally any “soul” artist from 60's and 70's. There would be damn near no music, art to…