This is the real reason why small town police are the worst, they are the landing ground for every POS that got the boot from big city forces.
This is the real reason why small town police are the worst, they are the landing ground for every POS that got the boot from big city forces.
Madgib was a great album, but Jim Jones “El Capo” and Benny the Butcher “Plugs I knew” got to be 1 & 2 (in no order) this year for Hip Hop. In fact Griselda has put out more quality rap music in the last 2 year than probably all other rappers combined for the decade.
You’re right, but he normally doesn’t let things like facts get in the way, just sticks to the talking points that look good for him.
I wonder what all the regular old weed dealers were thinking as the ball dropped on 2019?
This headline was wrote for Trump, decreases for 3 straight years. I’m surprised he isn’t already on the white house lawn for a press conference, unless of course he is still at Mar-a-Lago celebrating the New Year.
I know you would like basically everyone born before the year 2000 to just sit in circle and apologize for doing what everyone was doing. All the while not realizing that what you are crying about is doing what everyone else is doing now, you know following the current societal norms. People are getting and doing…
No peach drop, but there was a Championship Boxing match last weekend and my people looked good out there. The Ghost of Frank Lucas would of been proud.
Until they start deducting these settlements directly out of the pension funds and allowing the families to sue the officers directly, this is no deterrent to anything.
Not sure if you know this, but the opioid epidemic = heroine abuse by whites.
Got it, so what we should all do is that whenever anyone brings up something you did in the past and already apologized for, just apologize again and again. Apologize to people who had nothing to do with it, and people who weren’t even born when it occurred. Just keep saying sorry until your dead and unable to say…
I'm guessing you've never listened to the Goodie Mob's music, they've been about this.
I can't speak for POC but I'm black and of my 5 children 2 of them came out same color as milk chocolate. I've seen plenty of new born brown babies in my life but yes some take a couple weeks to their color.
Ghana coming through with the longest finesse of all time. Sell my people into slavery 400 years ago then up charge them to come look at the castle they sold them from.
To bad her husband was on some BS cause Love Is... was shaping up to be a really good show.
I get where you are trying to go with this, but once again no actual report of any violence. The Wikipedia screenshot mentions a FBI report from 1999 and still no actual event has occurred. It’s well known that US government is constantly watching basically any group that mentions black power, they do this under guise…
Can you find any article of actual violence being performed. This is an article from 2008 with no mention of any actual violence.
There has to be some level in irony in calling Black Hebrew Israelite’s anti-Semitic, after all they believe they are the real Jews.
If you mean a tax break, yes, they did get that.
This will soon be replaced by checking your family tree for anyone from any place diaspora (Caribbean preferred) and then come out as Afrolatinx.
“Will this make them vote for me?