
They don’t ask out of fear they won’t get anyone else to show up, after a while they turn into the breakfast club where you know you will not be asked anything you have not approved.

From what I’ve read, Akon has secured over a billion in financing from China, he is playing the role for Chinese blackface.

The story his family has been putting on social media that the officer believed he was a man wanted for murder who was arrested later that day. The police have not given any official story at time but the murder who was arrested name is Jhermeil Taylor. The 2 really don’t look alike besides the same hair, sad story.

Kamala is out because she ran out of money, you mentioned it for one sentence in this article. The fact she was fundraising right in line with Biden and was broke proves her campaign management was the problem. 2 days before her withdrawal she was talking plans on what she was about to do.

The issue is his supporters do not see themselves as the welfare queens that Fox News is always talking about. He doesn’t know that he is attacking his base, there is a reason Republicans have voted against these changes several times. When those stomachs are growling on election day next year, the energy is going to

When I started reading this it made me smile, I’m a STL native too, and memories of The Tilt in Northwest Plaza took me back. But once you got into it, I cried, and still can’t put the words together. Thank you for this, I’m living it today, Mother and Grandmother (she’s already forgotten) never felt more helpless.

If you honestly believe Black women are the base of the party, why do you think the DNC seems to care so little about their opinions?

“What’s better than one billionaire? A real black middle class” - Antonio Moore

The only testimony needed to find Zimmerman guilty was his own, by his own accord, he followed this child after being told by the operator to stop, got his weapon, and then engaged him. No one else needed to provide anything.

Had no idea about this until the article, so thank are in order. I will point out though, his entire catalog is available except that R Kelly album, I doubt that was an accident.

“Nebres, whose mother is of Trinidadian descent and dad’s side is from the Philippines, was six years old when Misty Copeland became the first female African-American principal at American Ballet Theater.”

I appreciate you getting me together, any harm I caused you or anyone else reading I apologize. I’d ask that if you have the time read Kiese Laymon’s “Heavy” it’s been wrote about here on The Root several times. I’d also point to this article, it’s a think piece so much like my opinions not based in fact just limited

Just in preparation, when them old folks start talking about Joe Biden and I mention he is a racist and they respond about Obama, does this open the door for a real Obama conversation? 

It’s not an argument for anything, it’s a reality I’ve seen over and over again with black men. Is it true for all, of course not, most black men (like myself) marry black women. I’m speaking of those who don’t and take these stances against black women.

Well that was not the intention, I do not know why the Father is gone, hell I don’t even know if this is his case. Dad would make a difference but asking why I’m not mentioning something that isn’t there kind of answers itself, he’s not there. I’m certainly not trying to blame a Mother for doing everything she knows

Once you compared this to Tessa Thompson in “Sorry to bother you” I didn’t need any more, the visual is all laughs now.

I think a lot of BW don’t know this because their kids are afraid to talk to them. This is a convo I’ve had with several kids when they start talking about what they like and more importantly what they don’t, they start describing a woman who is actively raising them in the negative.

I agree, it’s unfair but most of us carry what we saw as children into how we make decisions as adults. The thing is I bet his wife has had moments of behaving the same way it’s just in his mind when black women behave like this as the norm. He likely has dated women of many colors, just not black. There are a whole

This was an exchange in the comment section of his wedding picture. The woman was badgering him for his choice of a wife, followed up by a bunch of comment that he wasn’t really good enough for his wife and she is only there because he is a NBA player, the entire exchange was ugly, not just him.

He wasn’t talking appearance, his choice of words in that entire exchange suggest behavior. It’s not uncommon with a lot of Black athletes who were raised by single mothers (not blaming Mom for that). What happens is their Mothers are hard on them under the guise to make them the best and their children love them for