
“The group also requested that AMC dole out free Harriet tickets to high school students in the area to educated them about Harriet Tubman, as well as passes for 200 members of 504 Queens to take young girls to the movies.”

Had no idea about any of that, never would of guessed she was 16. I was wondering who produced her stuff cause it’s really good, I just googled her brother, he’s a Glee kid.

Never thought I’d hear an argument in which Umar Johnson was the source of reason.

My thoughts exactly, telling anyone to watch that film to learn about her is the reason so many people are totally against it.

Joe Biden says he has been endorsed by the only African-American woman senator while on stage with Kamala Harris, let me find out Joe is sliding in them ADOS DMs. Cause Kamala Harris is no doubt black, but he is not African-American.

Thank you, I’m going to give her a listen today. She is starting to look a lot like an industry plant (lots of these make good music) as the amount of push I see from her doesn’t add up with the amount of music I hear from her. Thanks for pointing me in a direction to give her a listen.

This is the real fall of Harris’s campaign, she has been unable to take any criticism or make any adjustments. Her failures have been placed on the backs of Russian bots and black men, rather than listen and make some changes like most candidates.

Buttegig campaign is a reminder that only black votes matter, not opinions. If he somehow gets the nod, Blacks will be expected to show up for him like every other Dem and if we don’t we will be the blame for his failures.

She is running on reparations, how many votes did you expect for her in Iowa?

A small population of white people basically get to tell black voters who their candidate is”

Alabama’s prisons has a lower proportion of violent inmates than the national average.”

I feel like I’m missing it, can someone name their favorite Lizzo songs that aren’t the 2 mega hits. I typically can count on my kids for these things, but they’ve got nothing. However they have informed me that Billie Eilesh will win every category she’s in, they’re typically right about these things.

I’ve wondered, not enough to actually look it up, what anti-LGBTQ group Chick-fil-a was donating to. I figured it must be some conversion therapy group, but to find out the the charities are the Salvation Army and FCA, sometimes we got to chill. I’m not even sure what makes them anti-LGBTQ, they just aren’t pro it and

When he says shit like this right after Obama says that Dems don’t want us to be to far left and progressive, kind of looks like an agenda.

Wasn’t “Anyone but Hillary” basically the real slogan that got Trump into office.

In the most white privilege moves in a NFL game, after starting a fight, chasing a restrained man down, and get hit, contacts his agents to look into suing.

He felt like it was a late hit because he got rid of the ball, if should of been a roughing the passer call, but once he started grabbing his helmet and trying to kick him in the nuts, he got what he asked for.

Cancel culture is more like pause culture, people don’t have the attention span to actually cancel anyone any more. 

For a workout he could of done this at a high school or even better, a team could of invited him to their facility since they are interested.

Depending on how the SC rules, likely not till next year, she may not be able to sue on that basis so her time is now.