Thank you, I’ve been looking for some mention, considering the case was actually heard this morning and should be decided on Friday. Great article.
Thank you, I’ve been looking for some mention, considering the case was actually heard this morning and should be decided on Friday. Great article.
Supreme Court heard arguments today, Comcast vs. Byron Allen, in regards to the Civil Rights Bill of 1866, can’t wait to read that article today. I’m sure it will be a killer like the DACA one yesterday and the impeachment one I just read today.
Just a heads up but Trump’s DOJ will be teaming with Comcast tomorrow (I know you’ve wrote an article about before, however more than one can clearly be wrote) to attack the Civil Right Bill of 1866 directly attacking the rights of black people to contract and do business. Looking forward to reading tomorrow article…
I looked this up to, the team mascot is the White Knight and I guess this is a common rally call they use. That all seems wrong on so many levels.
Trump didn’t win in a landslide against one of the worst presidential campaigns in history. At this point anyone with a D next to their name will beat Trump, the primaries are the real election.
As a man I recognize I am unqualified here but is this a standard question when Mom’s and daughters go to the OBGYN and is there any medical reason other than just being nosey and invasive that TI might want this info.
I also live in a white neighborhood, Popeye’s has had a line around the parking lot, open to close, since Sunday. I’ll never understand why some people get so worked up about anything that might look like black people having fun or being happy.
You came in hot and extremely misinformed, this issue was far bigger than a name change. I will say this, the people of KC 100% support having a street named after MLk, but when this was enacted last year it was also clear no one wanted Paseo. City Council decided to Paseo when the general consensus was to either…
I live in KC, these articles that are making national circulation are because KC is changing and the old DNC guard has lost it’s power. The push for MLK Blvd was done by the SCLC and Freedom INC, they have long been the voice of black people and for the first time in my 35 years of life Black folks are tired of the…
Lets not forget Asian and shoes, there is a reason LeBron wont say a damn thing against China.
I mean I get it, ever been at a restaurant and be seated, ordered, and then watch someone who came in 10 minutes after you get their food first? Hungry + long wait + someone jumping in front of you, anything can happen.
Anyone else old enough to remember Kirk Franklin's Church's chicken commercials? This is so sad.
Black women are dope, but from what I’m hearing that is not what this movie is about. This movie is a white savior film in which a good white man saves Harriet from the evil black man slave catcher. Movie wont get a dime from me, not sure if I’ll give burn the bandwidth to bootleg.
That’s not even the half, in many states driving while suspended is a jailable offense, you will need to get a lawyer to avoid that. On average it will cost 1000-1500 to get rid of one of these tickets.
This is what it looks like when you give a rural police force Army equipment and no reason to use it.
It’s almost like he isn’t canceled.
There is some irony is using the term “electability” to describe a group of old white men who have tried and failed to be selected to run for president several times before.
Tyler Perry cares about sales, he has made it clear he makes movies for black people that the other studios wont make. It says more about what many black people think about themselves than it does him, he’s just pumping out the same tired product that we keep buying. Just a week ago we were celebrating his success,…
All of this is the truth, but I can guarantee after that, “Your body your choice line” she will be choosing to leave.