
This. Snillo CARRIED then through the match against London.

Try going on mic to work with your team, only to be called a “stupid fat bitch” or a “grill gamer”

The policing is necessary, because people aren’t able to enjoy the damn game with communities the way they are right now

There is a “right” way to go through life and interact with other human beings- Don’t be a dick.

That should extend to online platforms as well.

My husband works for United and Allegiant (I think?) ground crew. I have heard some STORIES about the animals people try to get on planes. United has almost no requirements about health or species if you have an “emotional support animal” form. And those cargo holds are hot and small and loud.

My dog will never fly if

Man, the North Point store was the one we shopped at growing up.

How is the mall doing? I moved away like fifteen years ago but damn I loved that mall.

Ren faires, my dude.

I wish Jez was covering this a bit more thoroughly. Kidlit is being absolutely ROCKED by its own #metoo reckoning. It’s not just Asher. Matt de la Peña, Mo Willems, James Dashner, and sooooo many more have been named.

Too many egos, not enough team cohesion. There’s no one that’s a clear leader/shot caller.

Some teambuilding exercises would do them good.

This. And the Boston matches have been at 9! It’s ridiculous.

Hi, I live in Maine! We’re supposed to get fifteen inches tomorrow. I was born and raised in Georgia and lived in a Texas for awhile, so I’ve seen a lot of weather extremes.

I gave up after like 2 days because I haaaaate micromanage-y games. I just can’t do it. My husband, however, is laying in bed playing it right now.

I did end up digging out my copy of New Leaf, however. God help me if they ever put a main series AC game on the Switch... I’d never see the light of day again

I was never into New Year’s until I moved to my town. Every year, the official “ball drop” is a GIANT beach ball wrapped in Christmas lights that gets hucked off the roof of a pub. It’s fantastic. The whole town turns out for it.

Last year we had a massive blizzard, and this year it’s supposed to be below zero. A

That was just poor sentence structure on my part. Should have Because I’m white, AND because....

Anyway, that’s all I’m willing to get into on this.

I got off with a misdemeanor and a fine as opposed to jail time and a felony. Because I’m white, my in laws were able to afford a good lawyer, and I cried a lot and said I’m sorry.

I’ve had black friends get arrested for less.

I was accused and convicted of stealing of almost $1000 from my job, which I did not do. It is entirely due to privilege that I got away with a misdemeanor and no jail time.

You are absolutely not being whiny. I haven’t been able to go home for Christmas in 10 years because I live in Maine and they’re in Georgia, and I work retail. It’s never going to happen.

All year, I get “it would be nice to see you!” and “if you come visit, I’ll buy your plane ticket!” But never, EVER do they offer to

They actually came out with a picture book about Chewie’s adventures with the porgs, which fills in all the background stuff that was happening. It’s AMAZING.


I just spewed chocolate milk all over my dog

I literally never play QP or Comp. I spend a lot of my time tooling around in custom games and the Arcade- especially mystery heroes. If I get salty, I log off and go play Hearthstone or something.

Dad’s pretty great... a bit work obsessed, and clueless, but your stereotypical good ol’ boy.

My mom... well... season 1 and 2 Emily Gilmore, if you’ve ever watched “Gilmore Girls”? Before Emily got cool? Yeah.