
Dad is alive and kicking and sitting next to me on the couch.

Luckily, this all went down like two years ago. Now the big conversation is how my dad Found Jesus and decided to decorate his room around that.

OR, go visit your local bookshop

OR, go visit your local bookshop

I am ride or die for 2 PM. Early enough that no one is miserable, and you can get a solid nap in after food. 4 means that breakfast has long since worn off and no one’s been able to eat because the kitchen is full.

Also, I’m totally way too drunk by 4. I can’t handle my in laws that long, sober.

My mom’s new husband is my dad’s little brother. (No lie)

Is there a list for UncleDaddy gifts? Besides lots of wine and therapy for me?

I mean, yeah, that would be fucking awesome. That doesn’t mean that even a little bit of progress should be devalued just because it’s not the whole shebang.

My medium-sized city just elected a tattooed, openly queer librarian to the city council, as well as another woman who works two jobs and whose platform was about accessibility. All the dems in town showed up at the same bar that night to celebrate. Every so often, someone would yell about the Medicaid vote passing,

I throw $40 at the game for every event, $10 or so a week and an extra $10 if I haven’t gotten what I wanted.

It honestly does feel like they’ve covered all the bases with traditional RPG tropes and character makeups.

Nothing, because a massive windstorm knocked out power to half the state. We just got ours back, but no word on internet...

It’s so beautiful


Pretty sure the actual issue is that they’re eating out two or three times a week. I’ve been in that rut recently and it’s been hell on my body. Unless you’re eating at the best places all the time, you’re probably eating crap

A woman who bought groceries on payday instead of going out, for the first time in a

New Mercy is AWESOME.
That said, it’s thrown Mystery Heroes wayyyy off balance. I play a lot of Mystery to unwind or just generally screw around with my friends after a few trying games of QP, and it’s nigh unplayable now. If a team rolls two Mercys, fuck it, you’re done.

I know the same could be said about two

Less of an ad, and more of a “this is where the game falls in canon”

Queer woman here! I’d much rather take the option I can predict over the option I can’t.

That said, I hate both of them, but yeah, Trump has to go.

As someone who left a stressful, toxic, but well-paying job to work an hourly job at an indie bookstore (my dream job)

I don’t regret it AT ALL. The stress of not being having money has actually been better than the dread of waking up every single day to go somewhere I hated. My job is amazing and I still find myself

Mainer here, can confirm. I live in a big-ish city with some POC, but not a lot of black folks. A lot of people who claim they aren’t racist really haven’t ever interacted with someone not-white.

“seven year friendship”

One of these days, there will be a piece like this about lesbians or bisexuals. And I will rejoice.

Gay men aren’t the only sexual beings.

(Not saying this wasn’t a great article- it absolutely was. I’m just so tired of gay narrative dominating the LGBT scene)


I had assumed it got canceled, because everything I love gets canceled (RIP Selfie)


No, that’s how you become a substitute teacher