I just can’t look at this and NOT see that guard from OITNB
I can’t
I just can’t look at this and NOT see that guard from OITNB
I can’t
I am a woman with bipolar disorder, a criminal record, and probably a low key alcoholic if we’re being completely up front.
If you need to shake it up a bit, there are more than a few protests happening in Maine every weekend. I think there’s one going on at the Augusta statehouse for President’s day
Fellow Mainer here.
SCREW SUSAN COLLINS. She thinks we’re not watching her, and we’re going to just remember the “no,” and she’s so wrong.
I’m still going to go see it. The TMZ video struck me as... off. I work in animal rescue, and am FAR from an expert, but the level of detail in the producer’s defense sounds a lot more believable than this lovely story actually hiding abuse.
My brother is going tomorrow. I’m so proud, and so freaking terrified. I wish I could be there too.
My brother is marching tomorrow, since he lives in Georgetown. I’ll be a thousand miles away in Maine and FREAKING OUT.
This, to the T. I turn 26 next month and went ahead and enrolled under Anthem because I’m so fucking afraid that it’ll be gone by the time my birthday rolls around.
Voted for all the classic pieces, except I replaced boot with roller skate.
in case of an ACTUAL world-ending apocalypse, I’m killing myself. Especially in a zombie apocalypse.
SCREW you.
Seeing that gif after reading “Princess Diarist” has me sobbing even harder
It’s $2 margarita night at my favorite Mexican restaurant.
With a pretty decent helping of Half Life imo
Plus they’re giving us freebie boxes with the arcade mode so like... yeah.
Makes sense to me. I was grinding like CRAZY at the end of the summer games event, and when I didn’t hit 100 I really considered stopping playing until Halloween.
Plus, we’re going to get MORE boxes now thanks to arcade mode, so yeah
Let’s talk worst MONTH. Three weeks ago one of my favorite work friends died, because she had fucking pneumonia and refused to go to the doctor for it. She didn’t come into work for two days, so we sent the police to check on her and... yeah.
You’re not the only one. I’m usually SUPER down with drinking my problems away, and assumed I’d be spending most of Tuesday blasted because... yeah. I ended up having one beer, and I haven’t been able to drink anything since. What’s the point, since I already feel numb and awful, and don’t want to add a hangover to…
My first instinct was to tell you to crop dust him. Just do it.