

This is Teddy, mother in law’s Samoyed. He’s currently next door visiting my aunt in law (weird family) and I can’t go see him because I’m sick and my dog would break his 12 year old little body with her enthusiasm.

Why do they all look 40?

I’ve been really sick the last few days, so the only things I’ve been able to consume are water and ginger ale.

I use it for the same reason I use snapchat- animal pictures. #dogsofinstagram and #catsofinstagram, dude

I had the WORST time deciding. I’m very attached to my maiden name, Roseberry. It’s super unique and I’m close to that side of my family. Saying “it’s a Roseberry thing” is definitely common on my dad’s side, and I’m proud of that.

All of this Meg Trainor hate is starting to make me uncomfortable. Like, I’m absolutely no real fan of hers, but it’s starting to feel like people are going out of their way to tear her down and I just eh

I’m in, but only if Acadia National Park in Maine makes it in on there. It drives a LARGE portion of my state’s economy, and usually gets forgotten about thanks to the much more popular west coast parks.

Nope, definitely how I interpreted it at first. I was seriously impressed. Now I’m just confused.

My friends and I are all going up to camp this weekend, and I bought a bunch of booze for the occasion. Seriously, there is SO much beer.

I LOVE Clue. That shit was so handy.

Aaaaand now there’s coffee all over my screen

I live in Maine, where we get more than our fair share of snow. Maine isn’t getting a lick of snow from this storm, which is fine.

I live in Bangor, where the New Year’s tradition is throwing a beach ball off the roof of a local pub. A few years ago, the temperature was WELL below zero when the parties started spilling out into the streets, with a lot of women wearing really skimpy dresses and heels. I will NEVER be able to understand how they

I love you.

That beautiful scared little girl D: Here’s hoping she finds her home or cat family or whatever.

Which is what I’m doing right now

Someone at the shelter I work at is trying to start a similar program. I REALLY want it to work out, because this is just the coolest.

Definitely only just realized I never bought things to cook for Christmas lunch, and all the grocery stores are closed.

Like most of the other commenters, I came here ready to RAGE about how tired I was of seeing all of this Anti-Love Actually articles.