
I AGONIZED over changing my name, because I’m super close to my father and his side of the family. I ended up taking my husband’s last night and moving my maiden name to the middle. I actually like it that way... my husband’s last name, Rice, is WAY easier than my maiden name, Roseberry.

volunteer Police Ombudsman Commission

FINALLY Maine makes it on here for something unrelated to Lepage!

I imagine it has something to do with the environment. Danica (Danika? I don’t remember) joined NASCAR and EVERYTHING was immediately about her hotness and being a girl. Yes, if more women got into the sport, it would make it a lot less of a novelty. But what woman wants to get into a sport where the reaction is like

*hand raise*

I’ve seen this photo a thousand times, and I was so freaking confused about the “eggplant” thing.

Husband’s father is currently passing a kidney stone. Typically everyone comes up here, but at 5:30 last night my husband and everyone decided to drive to Connecticut to be with Dad... a hour drive.

Honestly, I hated the first episode. But the show is set up a little differently than most- it is MEANT to be binged on. The episodes can’t really stand alone, the whole flow is more like a movie. It makes more sense when you watch it.

On the fourth episode. I have a pact with a friend to not watch without him. We’ll see which of us caves first, since we’re not going to see each other for few days.

Mainer high five!

I don’t know if the ship in the photo is the same one as the EDM cruise ship, but I was on the Norwegian Pearl in August for a cruise. We hit a whale and ended up almost missing our stop in British Columbia entirely.

This video makes me grateful for the fact that I missed the 80s entirely

Take myself out for date nights. Basically, I bring a book and eat at my favorite mexican restaurant, then I’ll go to starbucks or a movie.

It’s hard to listen to, but damn that noise is effective at getting puppies to run at you

I felt so weird about them. But my friend Hailey was just kicking off her business, and her prices were reasonable so I said “fuck it.”

I didn’t order FO4, but my friend got the Pip Boy edition. She got a text saying it was going to be delayed until Thursday, so she changed her shipping. She ended up getting it at 8 last night.

#teamjane forever

What is this wedding crap and why am I only just now hearing about it?

I live in Maine. Two elections ago, I was given a Magic Marker and told to “finish the arrow” for the candidate I wanted.

Ok what the actual hell am I looking at