
This reminds me of the book A Gentleman in Moscow, where Alexander secretly expands his living space into a boarded up store room next to his alloted room, and hides the entrance behind an armoire.

I agree, we need to teach the children the classics

Anything Mariah Carey (all I want for christmas is you), but really any christmas song. Because they are so repetitive.

2) That high-pitched, piercing, almost ultrasonic scream that small children seem to be able to summon at will.

My baby came pre-installed with that noise. I love her dearly, but when she’s unhappy she turns into a goblin.

I really wanted to hear and see Ted Cruz in front of a camera, once again changing his mind about what he stands for. Lord, I can not stand that bastard.

Fixing the situation with Republican owned hackable voting machines should be next on the national agenda. That and automatic voter registration should be the focus of EVERYONE’S efforts. 20 years ago the Supreme Court PICKED a devastatingly corrupt president and here we are.

I have no patience for people on the left who criticize her, when you dedicate years and years in order to reach out to people, which many politicians don't do, and to simply not giving up despite all odds, it's simply a sight to witness. 

This is a woman who has a grand moment of inspiration and then follows through with it.