
Might not be wrong, I guess, but ad hominem attacks and non-sports related arguments are why a lot of people are no longer taking ESPN seriously as a network. It’s just a bunch of angry people with shitty opinions—and we go to deadspin dot com for that.

“Yo, Bob Ryan isn’t alive. He fell of the edge of the Earth 4 months ago and ESPN’s just coverin’ it up.” — B.o.B.

Had to star/approve such a classy response from a Patriots fan. I hope you’re not buried by the “game was rigged by Hochuli” crew.

I love my Patriots, but hot damn does Denver deserve all the credit for this game. Their defense played as close to perfectly as they could. Miller was truly terrifying and the Pats O-line had no answers at all in that game.

Someone mention a 7-6 super Bol?

“Holy shit, those are some mobile QBs” —