
In many, many countries of the world, we don’t produce enough eletricity to simply feed people’s houses. Brazil included (from were I’m writing this), even though we have one of the greenest grids of the world (I mean, only in one perspective, ‘cause we don’t launch tons of CO2 in the air burning coal, but we do

That’s what capitalism is all about, and it’ is BEAUTIFUL. Why fight it? So that you can have no blood, no corpses, no mahjong and no poker, AND a positive government image in every single game? No. As for the Epic/Steam feud, Dr. Serizawa said it better: “let them fight”.

You can play the entire game in French with subtitles in any other language, including english.

And yet, the no-deal is looming ever closer.

A plea is not the same thing as a sentence, it’s a plea. It’s a deal, so that you’re NOT persecuted.

This will blow so hard that it may signify the beginning of the end for EU, specially if (and that’s one gigantic IF) BREXIT suceeds and UK actually recovers economically (I mean, from the EU separation).

Plea. $100,000.00.. It’s right up there.

Isn’t a... fastback?

More like beefcake, am I right??? Hehehe

Skimpy armor were not a female-only privilege in old school Hyboria. I mean, the guys didn’t even protected their junks, waving it around under a loose leather loincloth...


If you even read my comment, I’m trying to say... exactly that? Please, take your time, breath in, breath out, and maybe, only if you want to, try to reread what I’ve written. Only if want to, ok? If not, it’s fine, I’m ok with that.

That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

As I said, I was speaking in a broadly manner, not directly to Gita, or Jason, or Ethan, or Brian. And why? Well, because the things I said can be applied to Kotaku (I have just now given an example), or Polygon, or Escapist Magazine.

Here goes an example of everything I said: “Bloodborne Is Ruining Other Games For Me”. That’s a bad thing, right? It isn’t? So, couldn’t the headline be “Bloodborne is so good I can’t think of anything else”, or “Bloodborne is a storytelling masterpiece like no other”. Bloodborne isn’t ruining other games for Mr.