
Isn’t that what extremists armed groups wont to do? I mean, everywhere, not just ‘Murica?

Please allow me to curse in my own language: caralho!!!! This is one fucking good review man!!! Amazing piece work!!! A review worthy of the greatness of  the game, as it seems, congratulations!!!

Not really. It would be sticks and stones otherwise. Maybe a sling and some spears. We’ve been killing each other for a loooooong time now.

This. I use the mouse with my right hand at work and when playing some FPS games (not all games, just FPSs and TPSs), and with my left hand at home. Buttons remains unchanged throughout.

So, if 1% of the installed base ends up buying your game, you have 700 thousand 3DS’s, and 200 thousand Switch’es. That still matters, in my opinion. Not everyone buying a Switch is upgrading from a 3DS.

Team 3DS here. 100%. I reallyyyyy don’t care about the Switch. If there was a cross-compatibility between 3DS and Switch (as both being cartridge based systems), I would have bought a Switch. Since there is not, 100% 3DS.

which other government is doing that ?

We still have time!!! 59 years, to be exact!

We still have time!!! 59 years, to be exact!

Black Panther relaunches into space...

So yeah, basically everybody said that already, but it IS a useful stat, point blank. If I’m a store, I want my clients to know exactly how much a product costs, and they, by their own means and subjectivity, will value how much the product’s worth. I’m just doing my job as a store. Here goes a another stat, that

Where is Leo playing more games about dinosaurs???!!!

Your game actually looks 691200 pixels better. That’s 640x1080 larger (or, like you said, better, hehehehe)

I recently came upon a MOBIUS agent who was standing on top of an overturned truck inside a parking lot. He yelled for help.

Great idea! Oh wait...

Like those two, right above the cannons?

Ergo, videogames.

With only a tenth of the guns in USA, and a much harsher gun control policy, Brazil has SIX TIMES the number of murders caused by firearms. That’s a fact. The guns are not the problem. This is the thing about correlation/causation, it fools you, it tricks you. This is about culture, two equally violent cultures. Guns