
I thought that the old mallet to the starter trick was widely known by everyone.

Yeah and I’m a doctor, trust me broh.

Had Maco paint a Stratus for me once, half the paint washed off on the first power wash.

That thing looks like it wants to give you a Camry bump, on your forehead, with a closed fist.

Fisker Karma did it even longer ago

Worst employe theft I saw was when these teenagers stole racks of ribs and industrial size cheese blocks from an old folks home kitchen.

The Bible works the same way yet no one is suing the Church for unanswered prayers. How is this different.

Most “anti-vaxxers” aren’t against vaccinations but the frequency at which they are administered. Keep shilling.

Did it mate with a Pokeball?

Yeah remember the PT Cruiser? If it worked for that pos than for this the possibilities are endless.

With all of the Cannabis legalization this thing would sell like hot cakes for promotional purposes.

Looks like a Maxima IS200 lovechild.

I always though that Victory was Yamaha owned for some reason.

Horri faak!

Tucker, all day

Here! Take both of my nuts and my first born in exchange for that Tucker.

Ahh, natural selection is back

Better on a flatbed than a sidewalk full of people like the Mustang.

He should stop being a sissy and use his forearm muscles.

Patrick George and a certain Camaro come to mind.