
It’s not going to burn down, but they’re all definitely going to be broke and living with their parents again in a year.

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

Uh, no. Downloading a patch is not even remotely close to figuring out why the driver you just downloaded caused half your games to stop loading, forcing you to spend a couple hours tinkering and reading forum posts.

Is it any surprise, really? They have long since outlived their place in the modern automobile. I don’t just say that as some youngin’ who doesn’t know how to drive stick - I’ve driven them. I learned on one. I just think they’re horrible - always have because even as a teen in the 1980s I thought of them as obsolete.

But think of how fun rotary dials are! If we keep buying them, they won’t go away! Do your part!

In other news, smart phones outsold rotary dial phones in the U.S. last year.

When I estimate a streamer makes more than me I won’t give donations anymore. It would be like giving a famous actor money or in some cases a pro athlete as many of the top streamers are actually making money from sources other than donations. Some of the top streamers are actually making money from the sites they

Is there any comment that is simultaneously more pompous and more boring than “if no one patiently explains to me why so many people like this, I will assume they’re all faking it for...reasons”?

I’m going to take you seriously for a bit here even if you’re not (I can’t tell).

Fuck off.

If nothing else it's a good vibe to put out there; it's ultimately a show about trying to do better and about helping others do better. I think that's worth appreciating. 

but the extra effort it took to park in the first place makes that point completely moot

What demo is that? Logical grown ups?

I’m always amazed by the binary thought process that seems prevalent today - If you’re “this”, you cannot be “that”.

I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.

I’m terrible at video games and beat all of the Souls and related titles.

Sounds like there is a story (ie: ‘easy’) mode, which is where I tend to play because ... when it comes down to it, I’m interested in either the story of the game, or exploring a world, not whether or not I can hit the appropriate combination of keys in the right order quick enough to defeat a computer’s pre-programmed

I think this take is entirely unfounded when you get into the actual game.

Yes, that’s how that works. They’re supposed to have millions of test machines covering every possible hardware configuration that exists and spend a year doing “Q&A”! Otherwise, that’s just being sloppy.

a quick QA on all the gpu/cpu/driver combinations for pc?