
what a douche

Found the defensive MAGA asshole

oh fuck off

I think you could squeeze a couple more ads in that slide show you should work on that.

So someone did eventually see my comment in the other thread with videos that said he was pissed because he was stripped, was wondering why it wasn’t approved.

Now playing

> McGregor was apparently mad over the announcement that he’s being stripped of the UFC lightweight title

Yes, it does. You have to be extremely precise with the contact. In baseball you can mis-hit the ball and find a gap in play. If you leave the club face open a couple degrees you can cost yourself a shot or two and then you’re out of contention.

Quick, let’s have the same discussion about how golf takes things too seriously from people who have never played competitive golf and enjoy being drunk douches on the course.

That time was useless then if this is his answer.

You should start paying attention more, the game has received damn near universal praise and doesn’t force anything like you’re talking about.

I’m an American and this is fucking weird.

I’m an American and this is fucking weird.

There is absolutely no reason to watch, here’s what a speech writer will give him:

No, do not fund a fucking wall, I can not believe this is still being legitimately talked about.

Ahhh good ol’ XFL style.

You need to find better peers.

Don’t worry Jeb, you’ll have the best seller one day.

Don’t be an asshole, boom, you’re now politcally correct.