Not David Lynch

One thing I will say for the Pats: their secondary was good enough to make Geno Smith run the ball way too much. As someone who was lucky enough to actually go to the game, it felt like Smith was their leading rusher for a while.

I should probably sink some more time into Final Fantasy VII on PC, since that's a major blind spot for me, but I'm probably just going to relax and play Shovel Knight. There's something about that game that's so perfect for bringing me back to being a kid and playing the same levels on Super Mario World forever.

Upvoted for downvoting

I'm approaching this with the same cautious optimism I brought to Rob Zombie's Halloween. Take an impossible reboot, give it to someone with enough personality, and you end up with an unnecessary movie instead of an abomination.

I miss the days when Coors Light was the world's coldest beer. It's like shouting, "Hey, our beer may not be good, but it's so cold you can't taste it!"

Unless you are in a stadium whose official beer is Coors Light, the world's most refreshing beer

No treble

I don't know how DC compares to Boston, but I got a nice place in the suburbs for a cool half mil. Only a mile from public transportation, and in a good town with low taxes. Then again, if I were in Pittsburgh, my half mil could buy a house twice the size of my new place.

Saturday fasting, I hope it was easy for everyone else. At least I got to feel like a good Jew at Kol Nidre. And by "feel like a good Jew," I mean "got really introspective and felt like a terrible person for being imperfect." Yet when it's over, I really feel like I've cleansed my soul. I think that's part of the

They're the Chinese Amazon. They recently had a major IPO. You can find the news on any major business website. Or not, cause I just told you, and I'm a very reliable source.

What's the point of a Bioshock movie? Why would you want to squish that down to 2 hours?

I spent most of the weekend digesting Rosh Hashanah food from going over to my parent's place (Shanah Tovah to all my Hebrews!), and then I spent a decent amount of time helping my sister do her taxes. I'm not sure if I could have had a more Jewish weekend, though next weekend being Yom Kippur will certainly try.

I might want to watch it once that way, but I felt the power of the whole thing was in how everything built off everything that came before. By the time they rang the bell, it had grown into a truly great movie, but it wouldn't have been like that if the scenes of suffering before that hadn't pressed themselves into

I'm gonna quietly root for the A's this year out of residual loyalty to Jon Lester. He deserved better than we gave him this year.

Andrei Rublev took me about 2/3 of the movie to get into, but then it was perfection and made the beginning better. I can't wait to see that one again.

Cancellation clock? I watched a commercial the other day that advertised it as "as disturbing as Criminal Minds!" This is gonna be their biggest hit of the year.

Williamson is too busy reliving the horror of Todd snarkily tweeting the TCA presentation. That's gonna take a while.

I consumed very little pop culture in the name of a broken water heater and football. We'll see how things go next weekend/year (Shanah Tovah, everyone!)

He was damn good last night. It made me way too happy when he started playing Astro.

It's completely insane, but some of it makes sense. There's a big theme of repetition that's useful to keep in mind. I absolutely loved it, and it has one of the single most disturbing images I've ever seen. Also, if you have the DVD, David Lynch makes quinoa as a bonus feature!