Not David Lynch

How's my day? Generally achy. Spent all day yesterday shoveling after yet another foot of snow fell. My wife expressed genuine concern that we're going to have a foot of snow fall every week until May. I can't blame her at this point.

Sounds like you're forgetting St. Patrick's Day, the greatest holiday of them all.

Depends on which they play first. If it's Boston, then there can be as much overlap as they want. If it's not, then I want less.

Tame Impala and St. Vincent are going to be in both Washington state and Massachusetts playing festival shows on the same weekend? How much overlap will there be?

Being in Boston, my life revolved around owls, especially superb ones. It was a good weekend.

In defense of those half and half jerseys, they are good when you continue to support a player after they've left your team but haven't given up on your home team. In the 90s, during dark times for the Boston Bruins, there was many a fan who rooted for the Colorado Avalanche so Ray Borque could get a Cup. They didn't

Weekend was pretty great. My sister got engaged on Friday, I took my last free Saturday for the next three months and did nothing, and the Pats won on Sunday. Good weekend.

I know you're joking and actually from MA, but MA gets a bad rap for that. NY has a higher tax rate. We just lose because we're right next door to New Hampshire, the Godless wasteland with no income taxes.

Getting back into a rhythm. After moving right before Thanksgiving, unpacking since and the holidays, everything's been a bit off. Fortunately, tax season is here to destroy any semblance of sanity I have left. Hooray for being a tax accountant!

You got a plaque? I started my job a year ago tomorrow, and all I get is the opportunity to put money in the company 401(k) plan

I'm not happy to be at work. Back seems like a strong word for someone who worked New Year's Eve. But having 2 days off before the weekend actually felt very relaxing. Now I just want to nap.

I don't know about watching. I'm going to a party, and I'm not sure if it's going to be Rockin' Eve or some other show, but I'm pretty sure there will be a TV on for a few hours before midnight. No one will pay attention until 11:58, but it will be on.

I call shenanigans on the idea that people in the AV Club have loved ones.

To hit 100k, you have to get the coveted 8192 tile. I've got it a few times, but it's really tough.

I don't know how it plays on consoles, but it was incredibly easy to reassign buttons on the PC version so that you could use three buttons, one for jump, one for attack, and one for special.

You can't make the frog laugh at your puns. He's too jaded by his frog brother who makes all the puns in the other town.

I have actually had that thought more than once, and being a straight male, I can't come to any sort of conclusion. I asked some of my female friends who tend to weigh in on these things, but they told me it wasn't worth thinking about. I read a lot of thinkpieces in the wake of KKH that praised Kim as a role model

Things like that can be really weird. I'd argue that the design works toward gender equality by letting Kim be Kim. In a game designed with female players in mind, I'm much more willing to give the sexiness of ladies' outfits a pass. She shouldn't have to dress less sexy than she does in real life because they aren't

But there are well executed cash grabs and bad ones. If KKH is a good one, shouldn't that be worth recognizing it instead of just hating the entire format?

I thought that was rock music. Or can it be two things?