not danny glover

Shiiiiiit, if a brown dude talked to a cop like that in the US we’d be reading about the “tragic shooting of YouTube star”.

No, now it ends...

Nah homie we’re post-human

He makes music....he's a musician.

People that judge people based on material things are pretty fucking lame

So you were probably pretty disappointed by the mini series ‘Roots’

We should stop electing dumb people who believe in dumb things like God and religion.

I honestly can't wait for white ppl to be the minority in this country.

People lie all the time when they're drunk, but that's not to say she is.

I got the vibe that they were super baked

I think mushrooms are the only drug I can think of that has one name. I can think of like at least five for everything else.

It makes some people more talkative, kind of like alcohol. Why anyone would take it at a club is beyond me tho. Also, who was it?

Because they're super fucking addicting and doctors prescribe them at alarming rates.

As a previous user, the joy I got from it was how it completeley numb any emotions. Feelings are hard, homie. I was always a fan of downers, I never understood the appeal of coke or other uppers because it just makes your heart feel like it may or may not explode and all your teeth might shatter from clenching your

As someone who used to be pretty heavy into opiates, I’m not sure the lean is to blame. More likely its an alcohol or xanax withdrawal.

It’s pretty much a fact white people over the age of 50 hate rap

Did you just call Fear and Loathing a shitty movie? You know nothing.

Has there ever been a good prequel?

Yeah fuck if I ever got accused of something horrible I'd hate it if my friends defended me, what a douche!

What no Kill Bill? But yeah I named my cats Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor.